Chapter 1

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I ran around the venue, searching for my sister & best friend who were no were in sight. God knows how on earth I got lost in a concert venue. I mean, you walk in one way, you walk out. Simple.  

“Daisy? Cleo? WHERE ARE YOU?” I yelled out frantically.

I turned the unfamiliar corner, only to collide with a tall figure then falling on my ass. Nice.

“Oh, erm so sorry! Didn’t see you there...” I swear I could recognise that deep British accent anywhere… I looked up into those enchanting green eyes that belonged to none other than, thee Harry Styles.

He leant out his hand and helped me up, “Um, no it’s my fault, didn’t watch where I was going” I smiled shyly.

He stared into my eyes deeply, before breaking the silence, “Erm, you wouldn’t happen to be Rosalie, would you?”

I looked at him, wide eyed, “Rose or Rosie for short but uh, yeah it is…how did you know?” I asked genuinely curious and shocked as to why Harry would know my name.

“Ah, alright” He smiled “I have your sister and friend who’ve been going mental looking for you.” He laughed

“Shit!” I gasped, “Oh um, I mean, really? Where are they now?”

He chuckled at my response. “They’re in our dressing room.  Our tour manager Paul told them to stay put so we could come find you.” He said as we made our way down the hall, to the dressing room.

We now stood in front of their dressing room door, face to face. “Luckily I found you.” He grinned, exposing those killer dimples. Why Harry, WHY?!

It felt like we were standing there, staring into each other’s eyes, for hours when in reality it was only a few seconds.


That was the first time my sister Daisy, my best friend Cleo and I had met our future husbands One Direction. Literally one of the best days of our lives.

Ever since then, we’ve had this unexplainable bond with the boys. We’ve kept in contact and even hung out together a couple times. I guess you could say we’re all friends now.  Well expect for Cleo and Niall. I guess you could say there was more than friendship between them two. They’ve been texting and calling each other non-stop since the first time they met.

“Hurry up Rosie, we’re gonna be late!”  Cleo called from the living room, impatiently.

“I’m coming god Cleo, calm down!” I argued back.

We were on our way to meet the boys for lunch at a local cafe.

When we arrived it was crowded with young girls, I presume they were fans by the way they were fangirling. My guess, they found out the boys were going to be here today. Man, there’s nothing that fangirls can’t find out. Trust me.

“I’ll call Niall and see what’s happening.” Cleo stated dialling Niall’s number.

~Cleo’s POV~

“Hello” A thick Irish accent answered.

“Hey Niall, it’s Cleo” I replied.

“I know, Cleo” He chuckled, “So what’s up?”

“Well, me and Lily are at the café now, but it’s already crowded with fans”

“Shit, LIAM! I TOLD YA YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TWEETED ABOUT US GOING DOWNTOWN TODAY” I heard him yelled at Liam in the background.

“Erm, I’ll see what the guys want to do, hold on a sec” He said calmly.

After hearing muffled voices debating on the phone, Niall spoke again.

Since we can’t go out today, you girls could come over? We can just chill and watch movies and stuff if you want”


“Sure! Sounds good” I answered, smiling down at the phone.

“Cool, we’re at my place, come over now! Can’t wait to see you Cleo”

Thank god we were on the phone because I’m blushing like crazy at his last comment.

I hung up and we were on our way. We’d been to Niall’s house once before, so it was pretty easy to find.

A/N - Hello if you're reading thanks so much :-) Please give me any feedback you have! Sorry for any spelling mistakes haha! X

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