Chapter 2

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~Rosalie’s POV~

I knocked on the front door and we were immediately greeted with hugs.

“Hello babes” Zayn waved.

“Come in, come in!” Niall welcomed us in.

I watched as he made his way to Cleo, eyes glued to her almost instantly.

They smiled at each other and hugged, Niall going in for a sneaky but cute kiss on her cheek. AWW!

“Hello babe, how are you?” Liam smiled at me.

“Great! Bit cold, but I’m good. And you?” I said smiling at Liam. He was such a sweet heart.

“It is a bit cold isn’t it?” He laughed, “But yeah I’m great”

“ROSE MY LOVE” Louis shouted, tackling me in a hug.  Ah, typical mischief Louis.

“Louis. Can’t. Breathe.” I choked out.

“Louis you’re literally going to hug her to death. Let her go!” Harry laughed, engulfing us both with a hug.

“Not. Helping. Harry!” I said, trying to wriggle free from the two.

I finally got free and straightened myself out.

I looked at Harry and he stepped closer, not breaking the eye contact.

He smiled, “Hey”

“Hey” I giggled

He stepped closer and slowly moved a strand of hair out of my face.

“Your hairs all messy now” He said, now feeling his hot breath on me.

Why was I suddenly nervous as hell? Snap out of it Rose.

“GUYS, WHAT ARE WE GONNA EAT? I’M STARVIN’” Niall announced, breaking our moment. 

We both turned and joined the others who were busy in conversation.

“I feel like Nandos” Cleo spoke.

“Yes! I love this girl!” Niall shouted. I turned and smile at Cleo who looked like the happiest girl in the world right now, even though she knew Niall was probably kidding. But hey, who knows?

“Alright Nando’s it is then, yes?” Liam said, dialling the number.

It didn’t take long for our food to arrive, so once it did, we dug in straight away.

“What movie do you want to watch guys?” Niall asked.

“Got any good horrors?” Zayn asked

Niall searched through his DVD’s. “Paranormal Activity?”

“Yes!” Zayn replied enthusiastically.

Great. The one film that scared the absolute shit out of me, yay!

Everyone made themselves comfortable on the couch and Ni’s giant bean bags.

I sat myself in the corner of the couch as I did not want to be on the bean bags, right in front of the TV. NO THANKS.

Liam sat on one of the bean bags, Niall and Cleo cuddled together on one side of me and Zayn sat next to me on the other.

Harry walked in from the kitchen, frowned and sat on the other bean bag.

I turned to him and found he was already staring at me. We always do that. Weird.

Half way through the movie, Zayn had to leave as he was meeting his girlfriend Perrie. We’d only met her once and she was pretty cool. I liked her. 

I grabbed the cushion next to me and shielded my eyes. I was using Zayn as my shield but he left, so now I was practically shitting myself on my own.

Suddenly something grabbed my leg and I couldn’t help but scream out loud.

I could hear someone hysterically laughing and looked down to see Harry lying on the floor in tears.

“You dickhead! You scared the shit out of me.” I yelled at him, not finding it amusing although everyone else did.

“You should’ve seen your face though” He continued laughing

“Idiot!” I yelled and hit him with my cushion.

“Hey! Uncalled for!” He argued, wrestling me for my cushion.

He was now sat on top of me and pinned down my wrists.

“Get off me Harry, you’ll squash me to death” I laughed, trying to get free.

“Not until you say sorry for hitting me and for basically calling me fat” He said, pulling a sad pout.


“Fine I’m not moving” He grinned down at me.

“Can you two shut up! We’re trying to watch!” Niall yelled.

I tried my hardest to get him off me, but no use. He was way stronger than I was. I sighed out of annoyance and Harry smirked, knowing he’d won.

I took this moment to admire his arms. His biceps were sticking out; you could definitely tell he works out. Ugh, such a turn on.

I looked up at Harry who stared at me, grinning and cheekily bit his lip.

“Can you get off me now?” I asked, impatient.

“Nope” He smirked again.

“Fine” Was all I said before I turned him over making him fall on the floor with me on top of him now.

“HA, I WIN.” I smiled proudly

I took one last look at him and got up off the ground. I sat back on the couch in my original position.

This time Harry came and sat next to me, where Zayn was.

He sat so close that I could smell his cologne and god, did he smell good.

When the film was over, I turned to Cleo and Niall who had both fallen asleep.

“They look so cute together” I whispered to Harry.

“Yeah, they do.” He replied, smiling at me but immediately looked down as if he were sad.

Weird reaction, I thought.

“Shit. I don’t want to wake her because she looks so peaceful with him but, she is my ride home.”

I said trying to think of how I’m going to get home.

“I can give you a ride, if you want; well I guess you kind of have no choice now.”  Harry laughed.

“If it’s no hassle” I smiled shyly.

“Of course it’s not. “

The drive home wasn’t too long but it gave us some time to get to know each other a little better.

We pulled up at Daisy’s drive way.

I turned to Harry, “Thanks for dropping me home, Harry. I really appreciate it.” I smiled.

“It’s no problem, honestly.”

I opened the car door about to get out, “Oh, Harry could you please tell Cleo that I’ll see her in the morning”

“Sure. See you later Rose” Harry called out.

I lay in bed that night and thought over all of today’s events, particularly with Harry.

I didn’t want to admit it but I knew my feelings for him were growing.

‘No Rose. You’re only friends. Harry will never like you, you aren’t anything special. He can get anyone he wants.’ I reminded myself of the sad truth.

A/N - If you're still reading, haha awesome thanks! Feedback please, anything you have guys X

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