Chapter 4

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~ Rosalie’s POV~

Hmm what to do, what to do.  I thought.

My stomach grumbled suddenly, signalling that I was obviously hungry.

Guess I’ll go out and get some takeaway, I thought.

It didn’t take that long to walk to the local shops, when I came across a Chinese takeaway.

“Chinese it is.” I said.

I grabbed my order and walked out of the shop.

As I crossed the street I couldn’t help but notice a car driving awfully slow behind me.

The dark tinted car started coming up closer.

Starting to feel more and more panicked and afraid, I began pacing faster and faster.

The car then pulled up right next to me and the window began winding down.

“Rosalie?” a husky voice asked.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck please don’t kidnap me, what the fuck, I can’t run now, I’m about to be kidnapped aren’t I. SHIT” was all that was going through my mind.

“Rose what are you doing walking alone, at night?!”

I turned to face the now familiar voice, “HARRY? HARRY WHAT THE FUCK, YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO GET KIDNAP!” I yelled at him.

“Yeah you probably would have! Why are you out here on your own?!” He asked, worried.

“Me?! What the hell are you doing out here Harry?!” I questioned.

“I asked first” He said, sounding childish.

I was getting annoyed and started walking off.

“Rosalie!” Harry yelled, getting out of his car.

“I’ll see you later Harry” I said, continuing walking off in the opposite direction.

“Come on Rose, get in car. I’ll give you a ride home or wherever it is you’re going.” He yelled.

“No” I said bluntly. I was supposed to be staying away from him, for my own good. He wasn’t making this any better by showing up unexpectedly.

“If you don’t get in the car then I guess I’ll have to force you in.” I could hear the grin in his tone.

I didn’t answer him, I just continued my walk home ignoring everything he was saying and put my earphones in.

Moments later I was suddenly being lifted off my feet and draped over Harry’s shoulders.

“Are you serious?!” I yelled, hitting his back trying to get loose.

“I did warn you” He laughed

“Harry put me down!”

“Are you going to let me drive you home?” He stopped, waiting for my answer.

“No. Now put me down!” I yelled

“Not until you calm down and let me take you home.” I continued laughing.

I’d given up on trying getting free of his grip. There was no use.

“Fine, “I sighed, “Can you out me down now, please?”

He finally set me down on my feet and stared at me, smiling.

“What?” I asked confused.

He broke the contact and looked down “Nothing” He smiled at me once more before opening the car door.

“Such a gentleman” I joked as I got in and sat in the passenger seat.

The ride home wasn’t long at all; I was literally only around the corner anyways before Harry showed up.

 He got out the car and once again, opened my door for me.

“I’m perfectly capable of opening a car door Harry” I told him

“I know” He looked at me, “But it’s the gentleman thing to do.” He half smiled at me. “It’s just who I am” He shrugged.

I stared into those bright mesmerizing eyes. He was a true gentleman. Ugh, why. He was so, perfect. NO ROSE. STOP IT. HE’S ONLY BEING NICE.”

I shook my head and looked down.

“Um, so…Do you want to come in? I can make tea or something. I mean, if you want too. You don’t have too” I babbled on. Shut. Up. Rose. You’re embarrassing yourself. I mentally face palmed myself.

He noticed me blushing and chuckled. “Sure, that’d be nice” He smiled

A/N - What do you think so far? There will be more cute/lovey dovey moments to come. And in future, hopefully, more emotional bits :-) Also, feedback guys! X

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