Chapter 1

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"Laila, Laila, you have to wake up, Sweety! We have to go!" My mom screamed as she shook me to get up. Go where? I got up with a monstrous yawn and reached over my side table to grab my charging phone. 3:02 AM? Why the frick does she want me to get up and ready at 3? I got up on my feet and zombie walked across my room to open the door that leads to my bathroom. It is way to early to shower, yaar! I opened the door without any energy and heard the door creaking. Ughhh. Sameer is probably going to make me fix that. I crawled into the shower and turned the knob all the way to hot. Ahhhhh that's more like it. Even though its summer time, I was always cold. Sameer, my older brother, always made fun of me and called me an Eskimo because I was always shivering, even in 65 degree weather!

"You better get out of there in 5 minutes or else you won't be apart of the Kapoor family going to Naina's wedding!" My mom exclaimed as she banged my creaking door loudly. Wedding? What wedding? Oh that's right! From the excitement of going to Chicago for the first time ever, I finished my shower quickly, ran to my closet in my towel, freezing my butt off, and throwed on the skater skirt and crop top I picked out really late last night. I ran back to my bathroom to brush my teeth and put in my contacts, sprinted to my desk where I put my makeup and earings on, and styled my hair in a quick up do, and sprinted downstairs. 

When I went inside the kitchen, I found Sameer, with a nice shirt and khakis on, chugging down milk from the carton and checking is phone. Gross. I walked over to the fridge and found my milkshake I made last night. I walked over to the full length mirror in the hallway, passing by my sister fussing with my mom and dad about which fruit she will eat, a banana or an orange.

I looked at my self in the mirror. I look hot! Jiya is definitely going to approve my outfit choice today!

Now let me tell you something about Jiya. She is no ordinary teenager living in the boring state of Ohio, she was the ultimate fashionista! She had everything from clothing lines from Prada to billions of Louboutin shoes, right in her closet! And last night, I had a real experience with her fashionista side.


"Aunty, have you already packed for Naina didi's wedding?" asked Chandini. Even after 3 hours of intense dance class, she still had a huge smile plastered on her face. Chadini was so energetic and and bubbly all the time that it almost got annoying. Almost.

"Well, beti, me and Uncle packed yesterday and I'm pretty sure Sakhi is almost done with her clothes, but she may still have some jewellery left. And for Sameer, well, he packed like a week ago! He was so excited for this trip and he just wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible." My mom said. As the topic of Sameer came up, Jiya gave a small squeal.

"Jeesh Jiya, do you want the whole world knowing that you have a crush on Sameer Kapoor?" I whispered to her, not wanting my mom to hear.

"Shut up!" She whispered back with a dead serious face. " What about you, loser? Still have jewellery left or something?" She asked me.

"Nah, I haven't packed at all and I'm way to tired tonight to actually pack. I'm probably going to pack tomorrow and just wake up a little earlier that I would, 'cause I mean come on, it's just a week, right? I mean I can find a few dresses and maybe a few Salwar Kameezes in less than half an hour. Its no big deal. " I said. As soon as I finished off my last sentence, instantly, I had 3 pairs of eyes, staring me down, making me feel really uncomfortable. Okay... Maybe it was a big deal.

"No big deal! You think your own cousin's wedding is no big DEAL?!" Jiya exclaimed. Yeah maybe I shouldn't have said that.

'I cant believe you just said that Laila! Out of all the people in the world, I thought you would have already packed with extravagant clothes, not Salwar Kameezes!" Jiya shouted, frustrated. "Aunty, me and Chandini are going to help Laila pack, is that okay?"

"Sure, beti!" My mom agreed. Great. Now I will have the fashion police squad criticizing me and my indian clothing decisions.

As I walked into the house after a long car ride, I saw Sakhi watching some Disney Channel show on the TV with my dad and Sameer frantically looking for something in the office room. "What are you looking for, Sameer?" I asked, hoping to get out of packing with Jiya.

"I'm looking for my extra charger, now stop bugging..." And the he saw her. Not only did Jiya have a crush on Sameer but he had a even bigger one on her. Sigh. When will I have some like me as much as Bhai did to Jiya. They just kept staring at each other like they were statues in a museum and we were the visitors.

"Hi Sameer!" Chandini said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh hey Chands, what up!" He said. I heard a sigh coming from Jiya and rolled my eyes. My brother can make anyone sigh and have butterflied in their stomach. He was the definition of cool, according to various girls on the bus. As a Senior in high school, he has pretty much everything: good looks, a 4.8 GPA, money, and lastly he was a jock, well a good kind of jock. He's star quarterback and captain of the Varsity football team at school, #3 on his track team, and is really good at basketball. But the best thing about him was that he is sincere and loyal. He once had a girlfriend in his freshman year (surprisingly my parents don't know about her) and he loved her with all her heart, untill he found out that she was cheating on him with his best friend. I'm just going to leave it at it didn't turn out so great for neither the girl or his friend, because you definitely don't want to her the details.

As my mom walked in to the entrance, we all went back to normal, with Jiya lecturing me about the newest style, Sameer looking for his charger, and Chandini being all nice and having a full on discusion with my dad about extra school courses. Ughhh now my dad will make me do an extra class. Thanks a lot Chandini!

Jiya, Chandini and I ran up to my room and they immediately started looking in my closet for clothes. "Dude, when did you get this? This Lehenga is so gorgeous, you have to wear this to the Sangeet!" Jiya excitedly said. They continued looking through my clothes and making me model and walk in all of them. By the time we finished, it was already 9:45, but that didn't stop them from digging through my pile of Indian jewellery. They took about a half and hour picking out the perfect jewellery for my clothes and packed them all in this gigantic suitcase, packed all my other clothes and makeup for me in a smaller one, and finally left at 10:30. As I was walking to my room extremely tired, Sameer grabbed my arm and pulled me into his gigantic and surprisingly clean room.

"What were they doing here?" He asked with big eyes.

"Umm.. They were just helping me figure out what to wear for the wedding. Why?" I asked. I knew what he was thinking but it was really amusing to see my brother all concerned and 'in love'.

"No reason. So... Um... Did Jiya say anything about me?" He asked. Wow, I have never seen him like this.

"Bhai, you know all she talks about is clothes and your abs, why are you asking me if you already know the answer. Please let me sleep!" I said really crankily and stormed to my room. I fell asleep as soon as my head touched my soft temperpedic


"Sakhi you better stop screaming or else your not coming!" My mom said, frustrated. I could understand her pain, she went to bed at almost 11:30 last night and has been working long hours at work for the past month. I genuinely felt sorry for that woman. "All right, gang, Sameer put the hotel address in you GPS and take Laila with you. Me, Dad, and Sakhi will follow behind you in the mini-van."

"Oh sweet!" I exclaimed. It was always so fun going on car rides with my brother because he always blasts the radio to our favorite music genre: Bollywood.

As we hauled all of our stiff in the car, I put on my brand new heels and strutted down the driveway. "You ready, kiddo?" Sameer said as he messed up the top of my hair. He looked at my outfit and gave me a weird look. "Are you sure you want to spend the next 6 hours in a car in that outfit?"

"Bhai!, I actually spent time with my look today so for once can you please not judge my outfit!" I screamed.

"Haha, I'm just messing with ya, sis! Ready?"

"You bet I am!" We raced to the car, him winning. We quickly buckled up and sped out of the neighborhood, with Bang Bang's title song blaring from the radio.


Hey guys! So this is my first story ever on Wattpad and I hope you like it!

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