Chapter 2

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"Maa, there is now way I’m going to some stupid wedding! I don't even know the bride or groom!" I said out of frustration. There is no way I'm going to miss my big soccer tournament that I've been training for almost 7 months! My mom must be absolutely crazy to not have me go with my team.

"Oh, shut up, Ro? Of course you know Naina, she was..." Kushi, my extremely annoying older sister, was going to say that Naina was Kabir, my brother, Ex-Girlfriend. If there is one thing people around here know about Kabir Malhotra is that he is as loyal as a beloved dog. Once in university, he loved this girl named Naina (the bride) very much, and even intended to propose to her the day after graduation. Then at one frat party, he had caught Naina and Sagar, his best friend, making out in the corner. From then on, we were not allowed to talk about those two under the Malhotra Roof. But since Sweety Aunty and my mom were good friends and Naina and Kushi are still friends, we were all invited. And we all had to go.

"Kushi, why don't you go help Rohan pack his clothes?" My mom said, trying to break up the awkward silence built up between us. As she ran upstairs, I followed. When I glanced over to the living room, I saw Maa comforting Kabir Bhaiya as he wept in front of the TV.

"Didi, you know we don't talk about Naina and Sagar here, so why do you always bring it up?" I screamed at her as I walked into her room. Kushi was the kind of person that sometimes you love to death and other times you just want to strangle her to death. Her dual personality confuses me the crap out of me but then at other times, she is as easy to read as a book!

"Look, I'm sorry, but Naina is my best friend and just because of Bhaiya, I can't hang out with her at our house! That boy needs to move on." This girl I tell you... All she thinks about is herself. She can never get along with Bhaiya and she needs to learn to control he mouth.

"You know what, you need to stop talking bullshit and help me with this packing business. I still can't believe that mad woman is making me miss out on the tournament and is making me go to this wedding." I replied.

"Oh, so you can call our own mother crazy but I can't talk about my brother for his better good?" My sister said, with sass.

"Oh, whatever dude. Just help me pack my stupid clothes." I said.

After a while of packing my Indian clothes, Kushi asked "Do you think Kabir will come with us?"

"Are you out of your mind?" I questioned. I really wonder what's inside that small head of hers.

"Actually, I am." I heard a voice say slowly from the entrance of my room. I turned around and saw my beloved brother, his eyes bloodshot from crying.

"Are you sure Bhaiya, I mean if you really don't then no one is forcing you. This a tough matter and we completely understand if..."

"No, I think I can." He said, interrupting me. I jogged over and gave him a big man hug and he held on to me tight. I knew this would take a lot of time and effort for him to forget Naina, and he is making really good progress.

"Well, now since we're done with you, Rohan." Why don't we pack up Bhaiya's clothes and head on down to the Hilton?!" Kushi said with excitement.

"Sure, let's go!" I agreed. Kushi ran to Bhaiya's and I was trailing her. I saw Bhaiya being a little hesitant, not knowing what to do next. "It's okay Bhaiya, we will be here for you. You can do this and there is no one stopping you. You just got to face them with your biggest smile and that will bring them down. It always works!" I said, encouragingly.

"No, Ro. This their big week and I'm not going to bring them down. I just want them to know that I am completely happy without them by my side." My brother said, weakly. Dang, does he know how to be strong! Even after the tore him apart, he still wants them to be happy! God forbid that in the future this ever happens to me, I hope I will show the same courage as Bhaiya does.

I took Bhaiya's arm and dragged him to his giant room, where Kushi was talking about what we love most: Bollywood.


As we rode our way to the hotel, we stopped at many places and took funny selfies. We stopped at a Panera for breakfast and as my brother was bringing my coffee, he saw take a picture of my delicious bagel and post it on Instagram.

"Do girls always have to do that?" He asked.

"Do what?" I questioned, curiously.

"You know, like post their food Instagram and get like four hundred likes?" He said, with a chuckle. I stared at him for a long time with shock of stereotyping me but ended up finding myself laughing really hard afterwards because it was completely accurate.

"So how much longer 'till we reach there? And where are Mom and Dad? I haven't seen them for a couple of miles!" I asked.

"You know what, you're right! I haven't seen them for a long time either! I don't even think they know that we took a stop." He said, shocked.

"Then should I call them?" I asked. Well duh I should call them. I took out my phone and rang them up.

"Mom, are you there?" I said.

"Yea, we were in our way and we lost you, Dad had to take out his GPS and put in the address because Sameer sped up. Give the phone to that Gaddha (donkey)!" She screamed.

"Um okay." I replied. "Hey Sameer, mom wants to talk to you." And as soon as I said that, Sameer started choking in his hot Latte.

"No way in hell will I be talking to her when she's mad!" He replied after almost coughing his lungs out.

"Okay, I'll tell her that." I said.

"No! Are you crazy? She's going to be even madder than she is already!" He screamed. Everyone at Panera turned and stared at us.

"Okay maybe we should go." He whispered in response.

"Agree." I said, sprinting to the car.

After a while of driving the car, he started getting really bored with the Aashiqui 2 songs and started asking me about school.

"Dude, you know we're in summer vacation right. Don't be like Dad! Ease up on the school talk!" I replied.

"Well I was just wondering! So are Jiya and Chands coming?" He asked. I looked over to him and he was wide eyed and expecting a good answer.

"Of course they are! Sweety Aunty had to call Jiya's family. She's trying to pair up her son with Jiya so..." I really should have said that. I could feel the tension rising in the car. When Sameer turned into a lonely and kinda creepy gas station, I knew things have definitely gotten bad. He jumped out of the car and filled the gas tank up. 

"I'm sorry Bhai, I really should have said that." I got out of the car and apologized. He looked at me with disbelief and shook his head hardly. He pointed to the car and ordered me to sit back in, now realizing how unsafe of a place we are at. 

Once he got in the car, he took a deep breath and said "Nahh its cool man, I just, you know, like her and all so hearing that people are trying to fix her up with other people is, well, kinda shocking. I mean, out of all the people, Sweety Aunty.."

"Oh, you know Sweety Aunty, that woman is trying to pair every girl out there with her good-for-nothing son. Just chill dude, nothing’s going to get in between you two." I assuring replied. 

His sulking face soon turned into a wide grinned one. Just by saying her name, Bhai get so excited. Sigh. When will I meet someone who does that for me?


Hey Guys so I was wondering, I'm hearing from some of my friends that I'm going to fast and from others that I'm going to slow. If you ever feel that way, then just comment and tell me because I am trying to find a normal level in which I should go. Also if you see any errors, don't hesitate to tell me!

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