Birds pt. 1

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This was requested by RandomReader65
I don't usually write about this ship so I hope you like it!

Bill's POV

Stan asked me if I wanted to come with him to go bird watching. Being a nice friend I was, I said yes.
Stan has always been interested in birds and the rest of the losers just didn't get it. Birds were birds. You could hear them, maybe see them once in a while, but they were boring. But for some reason, stan loved birds. He knew almost every kind of bird and everything about them. It was kind of even cute whenever he would tell us a new bird fact. His eyes would light up with excitement, as we listened to him recite something he found in a book.
Now, stan and I were walking in the woods, trying to find the place Stan usually goes to watch birds. He had a book in his hand and binoculars in the other. HIs noodle hair bouncing with every step he took. He looked almost angelic, like an angel walking around on clouds. Sometimes I wish that I could comb my hands through his messy hair. It always looked so soft.
What am I thinking? Stan would never think about me in the way I think of him. What even am I thinking of him? I tried to brush those thoughts out of my head as I continued to walk through the dirt path. I seriously need to stop thinking of stan that way. Always paying close attention to him.
I could hear stan sigh next to me, and I shot my head up to look at him walking by my side.
"You ok s..s..stan?" I said, trying to search his face for any sign of discomfort.
He turned his head over to look at me, his noodle hair moving with that sudden action. His brown eyes staring back at me. Stan didn't say anything, just nodded his head at me, and looked back to the path we were taking.
The rest of the way to the bird watching site was quiet, the only noise was the sound of our footsteps on the ground, and the animals in the woods. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, that was one of the things that were just natural about Stan and I. We never had uncomfortable silence, we were always comfortable around each other, it just comes effortlessly.
"Here," Stan said, stopping and turning to face me, "We can set up here. This is usually where I go."
I took my backpack off, it is filled with blankets, food and more bird stuff that stan insisted on bringing. I set everything up and sat down next to Stan, our bodies being next to each other.
"So like w..what do normally do w..when you watch b..b..b...." Stan raised a finger up to my face, signally me to be quiet. "Sorry."
_________________________________time skip____________________________________

I could tell stan was having a fun time. The way he would always smile when he heard a bird, or saw one and then write something down in his book. If he was having a good time then I would be fine just knowing he was happy.
Stan and I were currently taking a break from bird watching, more like Stan taking a break. I was just sitting there staring at him like a creep. We had our sandwiches out and our waters, eating peacefully together.
The moment was just right. Us two, out in the woods bird watching on a sunny day in summer. The trees were bright green, having the sun reflect off on them making them shine. The wind wasn't so bad today, it usually was pretty windy now that it was starting to get colder out. Stan was smiling, and I was too. This wasn't my typical day for me, but It great to try something new once in a while.

Stan's POV

I usually always ask Richie to go bird watching with me. His horrible jokes usually always keep me company. Richie was my friend, no matter how annoying he could get. Today I decided to ask someone else. I asked Bill, and I was glad he said yes. He is my friend and I never invited him to watch birds with me so guess this would be something different.
Bill was quieter that Richie is. He used to be talkative before, but ever since the whole deal with his brother, Georgie, he has gotten quieter. The quiet was nice, don't get me wrong, but I wanted a little more conversation.
"Thanks," I said, just now remembering that I never said thank you for coming to watch birds with me.
He looked up at me, his eyes were concentrated on the ground.
"F...for what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"For going bird watching with me," I said, laughing a little at his obliviousness.
Bill just formed his mouth into an 'O' and nodded his head.
"I usually just have Richie come with me but I wanted to have someone else come with me for a change," I said, trying to clear things up.
I could see the confusion in Bill's face, HIm trying to process what I said.
"Wait so you invited Richie but not me? Out of all people?" He said, putting his hand to his heart and trying to look hurt. His cute little face with his eyebrows furrowed.
I just laughed at him. He was cute when he was joking around.
God, I love him.
A light blush spread onto my face. Did I just think that? What am I thinking? I looked away from BIll to process my thoughts. Also to hide my blush so he wouldn't say anything.
I can't be thinking about this. My parents didn't raise a gay boy.
Bill is my friend, and nothing else.
But what about my feelings? My thoughts were telling me, no, but my feelings were different. Every time I saw Bill, I felt like I had to somehow make him happy or accepted from him. I always laugh at his jokes and smile when he smiles. I never noticed the things I did until now, when I'm being confronted by them.
I looked back up at Bill. What do I do now?
'You're Gay'
'You're gay'
'You're gay"
The whispers in the back of my mind chanted at me.
No! I'm not. I can't be. Being gay in this town meant you will never fit in, and you won't last long. It will make me even more of a loser than I already am.
But what about Bill. Does he face these feelings that I'm feeling right now? Will he ever understand this? Could we sympathize? Could we accept each other?
"Stan? You ok bud?" Bill's voice brought me back from the depths of my mind once again. It's like his voice is the only thing that could do that. How gentle he got when he was around me. Or how smooth his voice was. Or how his lips moved when he talked.
Dammit! I'm thinking about that again. I need to stop before this gets weird. Or before I become weird.
"STAN!" Bill yelled. He shook my shoulders a little, breaking me out of my thoughts, once again.
"Sorry, I was just......thinking," I said.
I took a bite of my sandwich so I wouldn't have to talk more. Great going Stan. Now bill probably thinks your weird now.
"What were you t..thinking a..a..about?" He says, his voice sweet and full of interest.
I finish chewing my sandwich and look at him.
"You." I blurted out.
Bill looked away and then back at me quickly.
The look on his face was pure determination and fear. I haven't seen this look on his face since he said he was set on finding his little brother. It scared me, but also made me excited. Bill was always so unexpected. He could set his mind on one thing and just keep going with it, or he could end up doing something totally different another second. Whatever he was doing, he always was determined to finish it, that's for sure.
I Watched as his shoulders relaxed, his face softening too. He just looks peaceful at one second, and then next.....

This was getting too long so I'm making a part two. Bye.

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