1-It's Really Him

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(Season 4 x 1)

For the next few months Calliope kept herself busy, help other hunters that would call Bobby in for help. She tried to keep in touch with Sam, but eventual he stopped calling her back. Then just over a week ago, the dreams had begun.  She had woken in the middle of the night after seeing Dean struggling down in hell.  It continued on and on, each night she would wake up in a sweat. Bobby started to notice her restless sleeping, but he never commented on it. Then the night happened that the dream finally changed.

Calliope was walking amongst the woods, the ones that they had buried Dean in. As she approached closer to Dean's grave she began to sense that she wasn't alone. Looking around she saw no one, as she went back toward Dean's grave. As she stepped closer she could  hear her name being called out in a voice she hadn't hear in months. Turing around she saw Dean standing before her, alive and well, a smile on his face. She ran to him, going to wrap her arms around him, he figure fades away. She begins to look around for him, and sees him by the grave. "Not yet" he tells her and she looks at him confused. "Soon" he then says to her as he looks down at the grave. Calliope looks too, and sees that the dirt is beginning to move, and she then sees fingers emerge. Soon enough a whole hand then a whole arm, Calliope watches as Dean then begins to pull himself out.

 Soon enough a whole hand then a whole arm, Calliope watches as Dean then begins to pull himself out

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Calliope sits up in her bed, wiping the sweat from her face. Her body was shaking from the dream of Dean pulling himself out of the grave. She looked around the room, seeing that it was already morning. She decided to get herself dressed and head down stairs to get some breakfast for herself and Bobby.  Once she's fully dressed in jeans and a red tank top, she makes her way out of the room and down the stairs. Entering the kitchen she sees that Bobby is already awake, and already had breakfast made for himself and for her.

"Another dream?" he asks her.
"You know?" she asks as she heads to the fridge and gets herself some orange juice.
"Yeah, I know. It's hard not to tell, but I thought I would mind my own business" he tells her as she closes the fridge and then sits down at the table.

"Sorry Bobby" she apologizes as she puts some food on her plate.
"Do you mind telling me what exactly has been waking you up each night?" he then asks her.
"It's..it's umm been Dean" she says to him as she takes a bite of egg.

"Oh" he replies before she can tell him more his phone rings. Bobby gets up to answer. "Yeah" she hears him say,"Yeah..Who's me?" after a beat he hangs up. Calliope stops eating and looks at Bobby who is confused by the call. That's when the phone rings again and he picks it up, "Who is this.....This ain't funny call again, I'll kill ya" Bobby then slams the phone back down on the reciver.

"Bobby, what's going on?" Calliope asks him.
"It's uh..it's just some idiot" he says to her as he sits back down at the table.
"Bobby, those dreams I've been having are about Dean in hell, then last night I had a different one, this time it was Dean coming out of the grave" she explains to him and he looks back at the phone.

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