5-This Is Like Christine

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(Season 5 x 5)
Calliope had stayed with Bobby for the next month, hoping to find anything about the four horsemen, hoping to find a way to at least stop them when they show up. Both Sam and Dean called her every few days making sure she was okay, or at least found anything out. She had learned from Sam that he had started working at bar, keeping a low profile. Bobby was still having a hard time being stuck in a wheelchair, but Calliope didn't blame him. "You need to get out there" Bobby says to her one morning, and she looks at him confused.

"What?" she asks.
"You have gotten your face buried deep in books, you need to go do a job" he says to her.
"Do I? Or are you just trying to get rid of me so you can wallow, and get drunk?" she says to him.

"No" he says to her.
"Yeah you do, but you are right Bobby, I need to get away. Gotta any jobs you've heard about?" she then asks.
"Oh, I think you might be getting a call soon about one" he then says wheeling away from her. Just then Calliope's phone starts to ring, and she picks it up, looking to see it was Dean.

"Hey Dean" she says to him.
"Hey, you up to a job?" he asks her.
"Did Bobby put you up to this?" she asks him.
"No" he automatically says to her.
"He did, I know he did, he wants me out of the house. What do you got?" she then says to him.
"Someone's head went through a parked car window. Did you want to join Sam and me?" he says to her, taking her back for a moment.

"Sam? What happened?" she then asks him.
"It's a long story, you want to join or not" he says
"I guess, are you guys nearby?" she then asks him.
"No" he responds, "but you can either come your usual way or meet us there" he says to her.

"I think I will go the old-fashioned way, have Sam send me an email with the articles about the case, and give be the coordinates of where I am to meet you guys" she tells him.
"Will do, see you there Callie" Dean tells her.
"See you" she then says to him as she hangs up the phone looking over at Bobby.

"So, ditching the angry drunk then" he says as she gets up, closing the book in front of her. Calliope then heads upstairs gathering her things, tossing it all in her duffle bag. Her cell then vibrated, and she took it out of her pocket seeing that Dean had sent her his coordinates. Finishing with her stuff, she heads back down the stairs, "I'm heading out, but I will be calling you to check in, make sure you haven't drunk every last botte in this house" she says to Bobby.

"Just be safe" he says to her.
"I always am" she smiles at him, as she then heads out of the house. Going out into the junkyard, Calliope pulls the sheet off her car, that had been sitting there for quite some time, but Bobby still kept it in shape.

"Hey Girl, ready for a road trip" she says to the car, as she unlocks it, tossing her bag in the back seat as she sits in the driver seat. Closing the door behind her, she puts the key in the ignition and listens for the normal purr of the engine, and she shifts the gear into drive and heads off.

Calliope pulled into the town of Canton, Ohio and headed for the police station, seeing the familiar black Impala parked out front. She had changed into her usual suit, before coming into town, and started digging through her glove box for one of her many fake ID badges, finally coming upon an FBI one assuming that was what the boys would be using too. Stepping out of her car, she walks toward the Impala and smiles at the boys as they step out of their car.

"Callie, good to see you again" Sam says to her.
"You too" she says hugging the boy.
"Dean" she says to Dean once she pulls away from Sam.
"Calliope, thanks for joining in on this" he says to her.
"Well Bobby wanted me out of the house, and it seems when I am away from you both you guys get into more trouble then you can handle." She says to him.

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