12- I Am Not Jealous

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Calliope walked through the salvage yard, when she heard a car pulling in to see Dean had come back, He stops the car, when he sees Calliope, and he steps out calling out to her.  She doesn't listen as she wants to be left alone, but he doesn't know that. He reaches out and touches her shoulder, and she grabs his hand, tossing him to the ground. "Damn, I really need to stop doing that to you" Dean says as she helps him get back up.

"Sorry Dean, I just..I just need to be alone, and have alot on my mind" she apologizes to him.
"I can see that, it's this whole Anna thing isn't it?" he asks her.
"Uhh yeah..a fallen angel, seems crazy to me, and now she claims that I am part Angel" she tells him and he looks at her surprised.
"Yeah, I had the same reaction, I don't know if I want to believe her or not, I mean it makes sense how I could hear Castiel and the weird things he's said to me" she tells him.
"Huh, that is..that is weird" Dean says to her.

"Yeah, I left Anna by herself, so you might want to check on her, I need to clear my head" Calliope says as she walks away from Dean.  Calliope continues to walk around the yard, trying to understand how she had gotten to this point. How was it possible that she was part Angel, that she had angelic powers coursing through her body, and how did her parents have no idea. They would have known if their child was angelic, there's no way she was a normal child.  Before long Calliope made her way back up toward the house, spotting Sam as he was coming back out.

"Uh, hey, I found something I need to show you, Anna and Dean, have you seen them?" Sam ask her.
"Uhh, I think they are over there talking, I kinda needed to be on my own" she says to Sam.

"You okay?" he asks her.
"Umm...being told I am part Angel by an real honest Angel, it's alot to take in" she tells him.
"What?" he asks her.
"Something to discuss another time, right now let's focus on Anna" she says to him.
"Uh yeah, I'll go get Dean, and Anna"  Sam tells her as they go separate ways.

Once Sam got Dean and Anna, they were all in the library so he could tell them all what he found out.
"Union, Kentucky, found some accounts of a local miracle" Sam tells them.
"Yeah?" Dean asks him.
"Yeah, in '85 there was an empty field outside of town, six months later, there was a full-grown oak.  They say it looks a century old at least." Sam says to him.

"Anna, what do you think?" Dean asks her.
'The grace, where it hit, it could have done something like that, easy" she tells him.
"So grace ground zero-it's not destruction, it's" Dean says.
"Pure creation" Anna finishes saying for him.
Once they had all gathered their stuff, the five of them gathered in the Impala, and Dean drove off toward Kentucky.  They were headed down a road, when Dean looks at the back seat, where Ruby, Calliope and Anna were all seated and he starts laughing.

"What?" Ruby asks him.
"Nothing, it's just an Angel, a part angel and a demon riding in the back seat, it's like the setup to a bad joke...or a Penthouse Forum letter" he remarks and the woman roll their eyes at him.
"Dude...reality...Porn" Sam says to his brother.
"You call this reality" Dean says to his brother as they keep driving.

They finally arrive at the Oak field to see the tree that Sam had found out about , and they discover that Anna's grace is no longer there.  They gather in a nearby barn to figure out what they are going to do now, "We still got the hex bags, I say we head back to the panic room" Dean suggests.

"What, forever?" Ruby asks him,
"I'm just thinking out loud" he argues with her.
"Oh, you call that thinking?" Ruby remarks to him.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Sam shouts at the two of them. "Stop it" he adds.

"Anna's grace is gone, you understand? She can't Angel up, she can't protect us. We can't fight Heaven and Hell, one side maybe, but not both, not at once. I doubt even Calliopes powers can help with this situation" Ruby says to Sam.

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