Chapter 4

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Deucalion turned around to face Levi once they all had returned back to the meeting room in the bank. He smiled at her and she let go of his arm, knowing he had figured out where she was by holding onto him. She patted his shoulder lightly.

"Levi, I want you to go into the woods. I want you to get Boyd and Cora on your scent and they will try to kill you for what we have done. If everything goes well, don't shift and wait for Derek Hale and Scott McCall to rescue you. Act like you had no clue werewolves existed and keep your heartbeat steady when you tell them the lies. Off you go." Levi nodded and pulled on her leather hooded jacket before walking out of the abandoned building and heading towards the reserve.

She spotted Boyd and Cora running alongside each other, and she unmasked her scent, letting them latch onto it and recognising it as one of the alphas who had kept them from shifting for months. They stopped and she let her eyes glow red, so they could see her perfectly fine. The two werewolves let out a loud roar and Levi smirked, waving at them. They lunged towards her and she started to run in front of them, but she was faster and smarter. She masked her scent and jumped into a tree, watching as the wolves peered around for her.

She noticed a tent, with a woman standing outside yelling for someone called Emily. The woman saw Levi, who put on a terrified face and acted like she was scared too. She rolled her eyes as Cora approached the woman – luckily she wasn't looking at Levi anymore- , growling heavily and ready to kill her. She steadied herself, waiting for something exciting to finally happen, when a teenage boy of similar age to the rest of them jumped over and in front of Cora. Levi recognised him instantly and was glad she had been out with Lydia and Allison when her pack had seen Isaac Lahey, because it meant she was going to get longer time being undercover.

He hit Cora and she fell to the ground, which only made her even angrier. She picked him up and threw him into the tree that was only a few metres away from the one she was hidden in and she rolled her eyes at how dramatic this fight was getting, especially when Scott appeared and jumped over Isaac, his feet hitting Cora's chest, causing her to go flying to the floor. She rubbed her hands in excitement when Derek Hale appeared too; this was turning out to be a great fight.

Cora (who realised she was out numbered) turned around and darted away, with Isaac and Derek hot on her heels while Scott turned to see the woman and walked towards her. He spoke calmly and had his hands held up carefully to show her he wasn't going to hurt her.

"Are you alright?" She took a deep breath and Levi decided it was time for her to start acting. She readied herself and put on her terrified expression, knowing the woman would point her out to Scott.

She nodded and looked up at the branch where the teenager had tears rolling down her face and wide eyes, and the woman knew she had to get this boy to help the girl.

"You need to get out of here." Scott spoke informatively and the woman nodded. "Okay, get out of the woods. Get out of here as fast as you can!" He said, his tone becoming more urgent but before he could run away, she stopped him.

"What about the girl?" He looked confused and she pointed to Levi who was perched on the tree branch, her eyes wide in shock and Scott was shocked to see her there. He motioned for the woman to go and she did, as he approached Levi.

"Levi? You're okay, you're safe." He said comfortingly as he grabbed her waist and gently lifted her down from the branch. She let out a deep breath and hugged him, which the wolf wasn't shocked by. He had just saved her.

"What the hell was that? What the hell are you?" She breathed out and he shook his head.

"I'll give you the answers you want tomorrow, kay? Just go home." She nodded and he took off, leaving a smirking Levi behind him. She was now bound to his pack; if he was going to tell her the truth then she was a step closer to her target.

Levi knew that at some point they would draw the wolves to the school – they were just so predictable. So she headed towards the school, hoping that it was empty until she noticed that there was a faint human scent, and she knew whose scent it was. It was her English teacher, Ms Blake.

She walked down the corridor until she reached the English department and saw Ms Blake marking work at her desk. She lightly chapped the door and Ms Blake jumped, making all the work fall onto the floor in fright. She looked up at Levi and sighed, placing a hand over her heart.

"Levi! You gave me a fright! How did you get in here?" She asked shocked and Levi smiled sheepishly. She shrugged and sat in the seat that Ms Blake had pulled up for her. She looked at her teacher.

"The janitor let me in, I was reading the book and I had some intriguing questions and I couldn't hold on until tomorrow morning. I hoped you would still be here and just my luck, I caught the janitor just as he was leaving so he let me in." Her teacher grinned and they discussed the questions that Levi was making up off the top of her head as they headed down to the boiler room so that Ms Blake could get more supplies. As they chatted, Levi smelt and heard the wolves enter the school. The footsteps got louder and the boiler room door swung open, and plunged the room into darkness.

She heard Derek and Scott leave the two wolves stuck in with them and lock the door.

"What do you hear?"
"Both of them?"
"Actually, four of them."

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