Chapter 20

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She held the knife to Lydia's throat, waiting for the right moment when Levi looked up and sighed in relief as Sheriff Stilinski walked in, nodding towards the girl and raising his gun. Levi looked down at her leg again, seeing the wound was almost gone but was still in pain when she moved her leg at all.

"DROP IT!" Ms Blake looked up in shock and faced the man, Levi starting to almost feeling able to stand. Ms Blake smirked and Levi looked up, a look of horror spreading across her face.

Ms Blake brought her hand back and flung it forward, releasing the knife and watching as it embedded itself into the Sheriff's shoulder. He dropped his gun and clutched at his shoulder letting out a cry of pain. He crouched onto the ground, waiting for her to come over.

Levi was looking down at her thigh once more, the cut was almost cleared. She looked up as she heard Scott's roar, and felt relief wash through her again. Ms Blake moved away from Lydia and Levi cautiously stood up, moving over to the girl and helping her remove the wire from around her neck.

Scott ran towards Ms Blake, jumping over a table and lunging towards her. He swiped at her with his claws but she ducked and pushed him hard in the chest. Scott was caught off guard and went flying back into the piled up chairs and tables, coughing out blood as he landed. Levi wanted to run over and help her friend but she knew it would not help, Ms Blake was dangerous right now and her getting out of the field was a bad idea.

They all looked over at the door as Stiles arrived but Ms Blake pushed the table against the door, meaning Stiles was trapped outside and unable to do anything but watch as Ms Blake headed for his father. He banged on the glass and rammed into the door, hoping it would move just enough for him to shimmy into the classroom to help but it did not budge.

The sheriff grabbed his gun and aimed it at the teacher. "There was a girl...years ago...we found her in the woods...her face and body slashed apart. That was you wasn't it?" She continued to walk towards him, a smirk growing wider on her lips and she sashayed closer to him.

"Maybe I should have started with philosophers with knowledge and strategy." Sheriff moved the gun towards her thigh and shot it, while Levi pushed herself up and made sure Lydia was fine. Ms Blake let out a shocked gasp which was combined with pain and she growled, looking back up at the sheriff.

They all watched in horror as the gun wound healed right back up, and Ms Blake continued to walk dangerously closer to Stiles' father.

"Healers." Ms Blake lunged forward and lifted the knife that was still in the sheriff's shoulder, while Levi took a deep breath before shifting as quietly as she could. The sheriff saw her over Ms Blake's shoulder but only took notice of how she still looked identical to her normal self whereas Scott didn't. He focused back on Ms Blake before she noticed that he was staring at the werewolf that was standing behind her.

The woman twisted the knife and pushed the man backwards into the tables and chairs, watching as he let out another yell of pain. Levi clenched her fists, ready to strike and save the man from any more harm.

"Warriors." She ripped off his badge and smirked before throwing it behind her. "Guardians. Virgins." She kissed the Sheriff and Levi lunged towards her, slashing her back with her claws in an attempt to save the man.

The woman screeched and turned around to face the teenage girl, pushing her hands out, and sending the girl into the wall with an unknown force of energy while smirking. Levi wasn't finished, she was an alpha and she didn't back down - ever. She got back up, charging again but this time Ms Blake was prepared and grabbed the girl's neck, flinging her to the floor.

She looked down at the girl and her eyes widened once she noticed her red eyes and lack of pack. She seemed to count five things on her fingers but did not say what. She smiled and stared down at the Hale.

"Ah, the mighty pentagonum alpha. No wonder Deucalion had you in his pack." She pressed her foot into Levi's throat and Levi gasped, reaching out and slashing at the woman's leg.

Ms Blake leaned down and dragged her up by the neck and slammed her into the tables beside the Sheriff. She shifted back from the pain and Ms Blake laughed.

"See Lydia. I told you I know the alphas." Levi watched as Ms Blake suddenly became some pale, creature with slashed skin and instantly Levi understood everything.

"The Darach." Ms Blake rolled her eyes.

"And you, Levi Hale, are the last sacrifice once we're through with the guardians."

Stiles pushed the desk away from the door and hurried into the room, just in time to see the Darach vanish, taking Levi and his father with him.

"DAD?" He yelled out at the same time as Scott yelling Levi's name.

They shared looks of panic and Lydia spoke up.

"Did she just say Hale?" Scott helped Lydia up and nodded. Stiles turned to look.

"Levi left the alphas, that's why she helped Cora earlier. She said Deucalion wasn't her father and she had found out who was. Derek and Cora are her brother and sister, which also means Peter is her uncle."

Stiles raised his eyebrows in shock but turned to Scott and shook his head.

"We need to get to Derek and warn him."

Lydia stood up shakily and Scott walked over to her, holding her arm to steady her. "Will you be okay?" Lydia gulped but nodded and the two boys hurried out of the room, heading for Derek's.

He needed to know that his girlfriend was the Darach and that she had taken his sister to become some final sacrifice. 

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