Chapter 9

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"McCall! Not you too!" The coach yelled out and Scott jumped.

"No coach, I'm good!" He said back but Levi and Stiles saw the blood creeping through his shirt. Levi looked down and saw there was blood coming through her shirt as well and she gulped, knowing she really needed to sleep. She turned to the boys.

"Wake me up if anything happens or if you need more pain killer." She closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat and Scott informed Stiles she was asleep straight away.

"Boyd and Isaac won't make a scene nor will Ethan, but I think Levi would if anyone was to make a move on each other."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before they hit a traffic jam and Boyd started to turn. Scott tried to stand up.

"Boyd's going to do something." He said and Stiles started to panic.

"What? How do you know?"

"Look at his hands." They had changed into his claws and he was clenching the chair in front of his so hard that Scott was expecting it to rip or burst. Scott struggled but he managed to make it to Boyd.

"Tell me your brilliant plan and then I'll let go. What you gonna do? Kill him in front of all these people? In front of Levi?" Boyd realised how stupid he was being but he didn't care, he just wanted his alpha back.

"I don't care." He went to lunge but Isaac and Scott held him back.

"I do."

They noticed Scott's cut and the blood but he changed the subject and they both watched as he struggled to walk away. He reached his seat and saw Levi was still sound asleep.

"Ethan keeps checking his phone – like hes waiting on something like a message or a signal of something evil. I have a very good eye for evil."

"I don't like him sitting with Danny."

"Yeah, neither do I."

They both stared angrily at the alpha. "He's waiting... on a message... about Ennis." They both looked at Levi who was in serious pain and clutching her side. Stiles moved into the seat beside her again and she leaned her head back against the window, her eyes flashing red every few seconds due to the pain. Stiles let out a short whistle and Scott looked over the seat. The cut was oozing even more blood than Scott's and it wasn't stopping.

Ethan ignored their heartbeats spiking up from panic but Boyd and Isaac turned around. While Finstock wasn't paying attention, Isaac moved to the back but Boyd stayed where he was. Isaac sat down in Stiles original seat and saw the blood from Levi.

"What happened?" Scott shook his head as Stiles tried to put pressure on her wound.

"She won't tell us but she accidently let slip it was one of pack." Isaac let out a sigh and he looked at Scott.

"I'm going to go back and keep Boyd calm." Scott nodded and Isaac walked back.

Stiles started trying to make Finstock let them stop but he wasn't having any of it. He called Lydia and Allison.

"Hey Stiles! Yeah, we're just about to walk into a movie you know the uh popcorn and-"
"I know you guys are right behind us, put me on speaker."
"Yeuh okay."

Lydia put them on speaker while Stiles took his spare handkerchief and he was glad that Levi was small enough for him to be able to tie it around her stomach – fair enough though it was a really large handkerchief.

"Okay look – Scott's still hurt." Allison looked over at the phone, a confused scowl across her face.
"What do you mean still? Is he not healing?"
"No, he's not healing, I think he's actually getting worse, the bloods turning like a black colour."
"Well what's wrong with him?"
"What's wrong with him? Do I have a PHD in lycanthropy how am I supposed to know that?"

Allison gulped. "We need to get him off the bus."

Lydia rolled her eyes. "And take him where? A hospital?"

Allison looked scared. "If he's dying yeah. Stiles, theres a rest area about a mile up, tell the couch to pull over."

Back on the bus, Stiles was keeping his hand over the handkerchief on Levi's stomach and rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I've been trying. Scott and Levi need to-"

He was cut off by Allison and Lydia at the same time.

"Levi?" They had been told about her being in the alphas but they had still talked to her but just not as much.

"What's wrong with Levi?" They heard Stiles sigh down the phone.

"She has this huge gash on her side and its black and it wont stop bleeding."
"Is she not healing either?" Allison asked, puzzled about why she wouldn't be healing.

"She's not. She accidently told us it was from an alpha and she wasn't there last night so unless there's another crazy alpha running around, it was one of her pack. Get this – Ethan isn't talking to her and keeps glaring at her. Something's gone down with the alpha pack and Levi and judging by the fact she wasn't fighting, I think it was before anything."

Lydia sighed loudly as did Stiles. "Why is she with you?"

"It was where she sat but I think she could smell the blood on Scott. She tried to take his pain away earlier." They all sat in silence trying to figure it out.

"Stiles, you've got to reason with Coach."

"REASON? Have you met this guy?!"

A few minutes later Stiles was reasoning.

"Coach it's a few minutes for a bathroom break. We've been on this thing for like three hours-" Coach blew a whistle.

"It's sixty miles to the next express-" Another whistle.
"Being cooped up for hours is not good." Another whistle.
"You know our bladders aren't exactly-" Another.

Stiles gave up when all coach did was blow the whistle repeatedly.

"And Jared, keep your eyes on the horizon." Stiles turned around slowly, a brilliant idea forming. He sat beside Jared and smiled.

"Hey Jared."

Before they knew it, everyone had evacuated the bus and was at a rest stop.

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