Chapter 10

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While no-one was paying attention, Stiles and Allison helped take Scott to the bathrooms. Lydia and Isaac went to take Levi but she shook her head at them. They shared confused looks.

"I-I've got to talk to E-Ethan." She stuttered out and they nodded, going to tell Scott, Stiles and Allison.

Levi walked over to where Ethan and Danny were talking. She smiled at Danny. By now, everyone knew that Ethan and Aiden were Levi's "adoptive brothers". Danny smiled down at her, not noticing the black and red stain under her hoodie.

"Hey Danny! Mind if I borrow my brother for a minute?" Danny smiled at her and took a step back.

"He's all yours! I'm going to go talk to Jared, see if he's okay." Danny walked away and Levi turned to look at a scowling Ethan.

"Look, I don't know what my father told you all but I need your help. I'm not healing." Ethan who was refusing to look at her eventually looked down at her when she told him she wasn't healing. He gently grabbed her arm and took her over to the side of the building, where they were almost of out sight. He looked at her.

"Let's see it then." She lifted her top up slightly and Ethan took a sharp breath in.

"What the hell is that?" He asked after a moment and she shrugged. He pulled Stile's handkerchief off of the cut and placed his palm over the flesh. She winced and he glare at her.

"Stop moving." She watched as his veins turned black but none of the pain or the bleeding stopped. He growled at her.

"This is your own entire fault Levi! If you hadn't just angered Deu-" Levi cut him off by walking away and heading towards Lydia and Stiles, ignoring Ethan's shouts after her.

Stiles and Lydia were confused when they saw Levi even paler. "I thought Ethan would heal you." Levi shook her head.

"It wasn't working." Lydia ran a hand through her hair. She wasn't sure what to do.

"Come on, we'll get Allison to stitch it for now and see how that works." Lydia and Stiles held her up while they lead her to Allison. Once she was there, she told them to stall and she walked to see Allison panicking because she couldn't hear him breathing or feel a pulse.

Levi placed a hand on her shoulder and she jumped but noticed it was the girl. Levi kneeled down beside Scott and she closed her eyes.

"He's breathing. Hold on." She opened her mouth and let out a loud roar but not loud enough for anyone outside to have heard it. Scott opened his eyes and Levi sat back while Allison sighed.

"It's my fault." Allison assured him it wasn't his fault and Levi sat watching when Scott noticed her there. "Levi, why are you still bleeding?" She shrugged and Scott reached out, pressing his palm against her cut.

"Scott, it's not wor-" She felt the pain fade and all three of them watched as the cut wound itself back together, the pain gone and the only trace was a thin scar. She looked up at him and Allison and they shared confused looks.

"Now I see why my dad wants you."

She thanked them and quickly left, leaving the two confused even more. She saw Isaac and he noticed she wasn't struggling. He walked over to her.

"You're okay." He stated kind of confused but she didn't hold it against him. She was confused too, in fact everyone was confused. She nodded.

"Scott somehow healed it."

They both nodded when Ethan looked over at her. She excused herself and walked over to him.

"You're healed." He pointed out. Levi rolled her eyes.

"Scott helped. I see why father wants him." Ethan glared at her, knowing she was still angry with the whole pack.

He was annoyed anyway, Ennis was almost like a dad to him and he didn't want to close him. Yet here Levi was acting like she didn't care and hat infuriated him.

"Why don't you just go join his pack then eh? It would get you out of everyone's way, stop ruining all our plans and getting yourself hurt all the time. I'm surprised you actually managed to kill your old pack with you being as weak-" Levi who had started to walk away froze when he mentioned her old pack that Deucalion had convinced her to kill. She noticed that Isaac and Boyd were listening and waiting for her reaction. She spun around and caught everyone's attention by accident while doing so and stormed towards Ethan.

"You. Know. Nothing." She spat and he rolled his at her which annoyed her so she punched him square across the face. There was a collective gasp from all the students and she heard Isaac and Boyd agreeing to come and keep her calm.

Ethan got up, blood running down his lip and growled at Levi. "You little-"

He didn't get to finish what he was going to say as Isaac shoved her out of the way and started to repeatedly punch him. Levi decided it was enough and went to go to stop Isaac but Boyd had a strong grasp on her arm and he wouldn't let go. The coach ran over and was shouting at Isaac to stop but he wouldn't.

Scott and Allison made it outside with Lydia and they ran over to Stiles who explained it.

"I explained everything to them but then Levi punched Ethan because they were arguing about something I couldn't hear but Boyd and Isaac could and it annoyed them so when Ethan started to insult Levi again, Isaac went for him."

Scott made his way through the crowd and turned to him. "ISAAC!" Isaac stopped immediately, looking at Levi who was shocked. He backed up and looked down at Ethan who was being helped up by Danny. Scott looked down and Isaac was too embarrassed to meet his gaze. They all got back on the bus.

Levi sat down in her original seat when she took a sharp breath and everyone looked at her. She looked across at Ethan who had turned to look at her, their faces both showing the same emotion. She met his eyes and they both knew right when he got the text. He looked back up but she had already looked away.

Lydia placed a hand on Levi's shoulder. "Levi, what's wrong?" She asked softly and the alpha looked up.

"Ennis is gone."

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