Chapter 13

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They were awoken by Finstock yelling at them all about how he didn't want to know and that the meet had been cancelled. Ethan sat down beside Scott and Levi turned around to watch.

"I don't know what happened last night but I'm pretty sure you saved my life." Stiles started muttering about jow it was him but no-one listened. "So i'm gonna give you something. We're pretty sure Derek is alive."

Levi sat up straighter and let out an exclamation. "What the hell? Just because we had an argument doesn't mean I'm not second in command anymore, why didn't I know this?"

The rest of the group looked at Levi, not realising she was so high up in the pack which confirmed one of Scott's theories. Ethan kept talking.

"But he killed one of ours that means one of two things can happen. Either he joins our pack, or kali goes after him and we kill him." Levi looked shocked and Ethan turned around to face her.

"That 'we' includes you. Pack is family." He said, mirroring Deucalion's words that he used so many times to frighten her. They all watched as Levi looked down to where her cut had been and Ethan turned to look at her again.

Stiles spoke. "You're little code of werewolves is barbaric." Ethan rolled his eyes and looked at Levi.

"Danny's dad picked him up. Come and sit with me, I have stuff to fill you in on." He said to Levi and she nodded, moving to sit beside him at the front. Scott and his friends watched as she rose from the seat, a new aura of power surrounding her suddenly as she held her head high with determination - Ennis was her friend, he had been for longer than Derek Hale or Scott McCall had been and she knew he was worth saving.

Lydia noticed something. She blew into the Coach's whistle and showed them her hand. It was covered in purple ash.


"So anytime the couch blew the whsile on the bus, Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Ethan and Levi-" He was cut off by Scott. 

"We all inhaled it."

"You were all poisoned by it." Lydia confirmed, watching as realisation filled all her friends faces.

"That's why Levi couldn't heal."

"So that's how the Darach got into their heads. That's how they did it." Stile grabbed the whistle and flung it out the window.

The rest of them moved back to the back rows of the bus, speaking in softer tones to avoid Ethan and Levi listening in.

"I know how she got those cuts. It was Deucalion. It had to be! If someone tried to hurt the second in command, the first in command would hurt them but no-one was hurt." Scott concluded, while casting a quick glance at her. "They must have been arguing over something - I knew Deucalion would be a bad father but really?" Isaac scoffed and everyone was silent as they remembered Mr Lahey.

They all sat in silence, Stiles pointing out the obvious. "So her dad is the one attacking her?" Scott nodded but Boyd spoke.

"Why do I have the feeling he's not her biological father?" They all looked at him and he expanded. "The alphas know how to take away memories," he gestured to Isaac, "and Peter said they can also create them. What if everything Levi thinks is true is just false?"

Scott turned to look at Levi and Ethan who were huddled over his phone and talking in secret tones.

"Boyd, I think you're right."

Over in the front of the bus, Ethan was talking to Levi, both of them had overheard the wolfsbane in the whistle situation and the had realised that was why they were being mean to each other.

"Sorry for punching you in the face." Levi said softly while playing with his fingers and avoiding her gaze. He put his fingers under her chin and lifted her face so she was looking at him.

"It's okay; I shouldn't have brought up your pack." She shook her head and they dropped the conversation. He pulled her into a hug and she sighed into his chest.

"Kali's going to go after Derek isn't she?" Ethan nodded and they looked round to make sure the others at the back weren't watching them. Isaac looked up and mumbled something which made the rest of them all turn to look at the two staring alphas.

Levi and Ethan turned back around, talking in hushed tones again. She turned to him and smiled softly.

"Kali's going to take us with her to see Derek, isn't she?" Ethan turned to look at her and he nodded.

"Look, Levi. Whatever attachments you've formed with them you can't have anymore. Danny's not a part of their 'pack' but the rest of them are. You're an alpha, you know the consequences of that." Ethan said softly and Levi leaned back in her chair, turning slightly so her head was against the window.

"I wish I didn't." Ethan held her hand and they didn't talk for the rest of the journey.

Stiles was watching them carefully and interrupted the conversation the rest were having. He studied the alphas carefully and deductively.

"Back on the topic of Levi, it's like she doesn't want to be an alpha." Stiles pointed out and Scott shook his head.

"No, she wants to be an alpha. I just think she wants to be in a different pack." Isaac and Boyd shared glances.

"The girl that saved me, do you think Levi helped kill her?" Isaac asked curiously, hoping that Levi had nothing to do with the death of the mysterious girl. The rest shrugged and looked over at her, she had fallen asleep again on Ethan's shoulder.

None of them knew that although the rest of the alpha pack had attacked the girl, it was Levi who gave the final blow, slashing her throat in the locker room all those weeks ago. Levi didn't regret it.

"Scott, why did she keep suggesting you're an alpha?" Scott shrugged again and looked over at Levi. She sudden awoke from her sleep and jumped, while Ethan grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at him. She stopped struggling and her eyes lost any red they had in them.

All of the group watched carefully, and all were shocked at Levi's mini freak out. Stiles narrowed his eyes slowly.

"It's like she thought she was in danger for a second." They all turned to look at him. "She might have been having a nightmare, and when she woke up it took her a moment to realise she was okay."

They all nodded and continued with small talk for the rest of the bus journey. 

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