Chapter 6:Land of Robots and Pies

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"The land of Robots and Pies, huh? I thought it was going to be something more epic..." Creepypasta said

"Hey! Robots are epic!"Someone said

"Not so much pie..." Homestuck muttered

"You want to say that to my face!" Supernatural hissed

"Now, Now, we have to figure out who this land be-"My Little Pony said, before being cut off by fighting

After Creepypasta successfully broke up the fight, the group got on their merry way. They saw a bunch of pies scattering the floor and fought a bunch of robots who seemed to be guarding the place, saying things along the lines of "No trespassers allowed"

The robots looked cartoonish, like something from a Disney movie or a children's cartoon, with plastic-looking metal bodies and goofy, out-of-place accessories like clocks and gears.

They soon reached a house, like one from a Mickey Mouse cartoon. The paint was yellow, the door was a humoungas arch(same with the windows, but they were smaller), and a refusal to be a perfect square.

"Now, who do you think is here?" Homestuck asked Harry Potter

"I don't know, but it is a fandom..." Harry said

"Well, why don't we go inside?" My Little Pony asked

"Best bet..." SPN mumbled


Once they got inside, they noticed that the inside was fairly clean compared to outside. It had a homey atmosphere with a warm environment. The walls were painted a warm orange and the carpet looked recently vacuumed.

The group saw a figure, most likely a female, who had a light yellow cape and blond hair. Once they got a closer look, she had blue in her hair and wore blue cat ears.



The girl looked up from what she was doing

"Toontown?"She asked "that's not my name, I'm Chariot!"

"Is that TT?" Supernatural asked Harry

"Y-yes, that is really Toontown..." Harry gulped

"...Knight of Hope..." Homestuck blurted out

"That's the outfit?" My Little Pony Asked. Homestuck nodded.

"I'm not Toontown, and I'm not whatever a 'Knight of Hope's is. I am CHARIOT!"Toontown said

And a fight began


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