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*NOTE: This is a fanifc. I'm currently editing this into a chic-lit fiction novel and posting it on the RADISH app. Search jhildey to read. * Evie Jones was seemingly in tact. Her life was a representation of perfection. Niall Horan was seemingly self-assured. His life a representation of indifference. On the outside, they were ideal; in no way flawed. But that was the outside- A mirage of falsity. Evie and Niall were platonic. An innocent friendship between two neighbours. But what happens when the outside walls begin to crumble and their built up perfections vanish? Will they step away? Or will they find love and stay? Niall Horan AU - this is fiction. *NOT TRANSLATING* This story will deal with issues that may cause personal triggers - depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. If you struggle with any of these things, don't hesitate to talk to someone (a professional). You are loved and have a purpose.

Golden , H.S ( BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now