Madly - h.s - On Hold

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There is a difference between living, and being alive. Harry Styles and Evelina Honey - they appear so different on the outside but are both full of scar tissue. They are both simply alive in this world, fighting to escape the waves of their dark pasts that keep washing over them. To live freely, without fear, pain, and embarrassment - the concept didn't feel real to Harry or Evelina. But when they meet it is like a pulsing live wire. Her first kind soul, her first confidant and protector, her first person that wants her purely for who she is and not what she offers physically. His first kiss, touch, and time - both their first loves.. It's a powerful, maddening force. Both their pain and pasts collide and they fight for the others humanity. But if they fail, lives will be lost and hearts will be broken beyond repair. Read Madly, a story depicting what it's like to find your person, and how going mad for someone isn't always a bad thing, but it can certainly alter ones soul. Everyone carries deeply embedded, shameful, heartbreaking secrets. Discover theirs. Mature Audiences

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