Will you go to the dance with me ?

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px; text-align: -webkit-auto;">Chapter 5 : Will you go to the dance with me ? 

" Hey!" Bailey greeted me the next morning at school 

" Hi !" I smiled .

" So that really happened ?" I had told her everything that happened at Greyson's yesterday over the phone. I nodded , then saw Greyson walking over my smile faded . He waved , i grabbed Bailey by the arm and we just walked to class.

Three periods had gone by and I hadn't said a word to Greyson. It was now lunch , I approached my locker and started putting my books away. 

" Hey Lvvy " I heard Max ( If you don't know who he is , go back to chapter 2) 

I smiled and shot back a simple ' Hey'.

" So the autumn school dance is on friday , and I was wondering , will you go to the dance with me?" He asked. At first I didn't really like Max , but i got to know him, and he was really sweet . Sure , why not. I mean I don't have anyone to go with . 

" Sure " He smiled and kissed my cheek and walked away. 

~~• Bailey's POV•~~ 

" How'd it go ?" I asked Max 

" Great, she agreed to go to the dance with me " He replied. Our plan was going perfect . Max and I had planned to make Greyson jealous. I mean Avalon is practically dying of how much she loves him. We want to make him realize he loves her too and stop denying the truth . 

" Come on , let's go see them" We walked to Lvvy and Grey's lockers. "Hey grey!" i greeted 

" Hey Gorgeous" Max smiled and slid his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. Greyson looked at him with wide eyes and a shocked expression. He then looked back at me and then again at Max .

" What's going on?" He asked confused.

" Max is my date to the dance" Lvvy answered .

Greyson's expression fell, me and Max smirked , but didn't show it to much. Our plan was just springing into action . 

" Oh okay" He said before walking away to class.


~~• Greyson's POV •~~

" Max is my date to the dance " As soon as these words left Lvvy's mouth , i felt like a brick wall was being pushed on my chest . How could Max do this ? And why would Lvvy accept when she was in love with me ? This makes no sense . 

It was Wednesday. 2 more days till the dance . Maybe she will change her mind and leave Max? Nah , she wouldn't hurt anyone. Or would she? Ugh! Why I am i thinking so much about this , she's just a friend , is she? 

I headed home after school . Lvvy and I headed to the garden together . 

" So you and Max huh?" I joked

" Yeah" She answered 

" Why did you accept ?" I blurted out and regretted it the next minute. 

" What?" She said 

" I mean aren't you still hung up on Alex ?" I stared at her bright blue orbs. 

" I realized i have to move on" She answered . 

Yeah right , i thought. 

" Good " I said . She smiled

( Friday Night ) 

" Hey , where's Lvvy?" I asked Bailey.

" She didn't show up , Max stood her up" She replied. Oh i'm gunna kill Max when I get my hands on him, how could he hurt her like that . 

" Where is he?!" I asked anger rushing in my blood .

" i dont know!" She answered . Ugh! I didn't care about him now anyways . All i cared about was Lvvy. I knew where she would be since i got used to her . 

I walked out of the school and ran to the garden . 

Lvvy was sitting under the apple tree, in her blue dress . It was dark and cold and she was sat there alone bawling her eyes out. 

I approached the tree and sat next to her . 

" Shhh, it's okay" I pulled her into my chest and rubbed her back gently . 

" He stood me up" She said " Why would he do that when he was the one to ask me out?!" She screamed.

" Lvvy , calm down! It's gunna be alright " I whispered

" Would you like to have this dance ?" I asked . I pulled her up off the ground and she nodded , i turned on the music on my iPod and held her by the waist . Her arms draped over my neck. She rested her head on my shoulder . This felt nice. It was better than our first dance

" Greyson?" She said breaking the silence between us. 

" Yeah " I answered 

" I like you " She confessed

" I know " I smirked

" What?" She looked me in the eyes 

" I said i know that you like me " I repeated . 

" Since when " She asked bluntly 

" Since your last note . I lied " I said

" Why would you lie to me ?" She asked kind of hurt. 

" It doesn't matter anyway" I said

" Yes it does , how could you lie to me, when i trusted you !" She screamed 

" Lvvy, I just didn't want to hurt you , but now i think i'm really falling for you " I whispered . She shook her head in disbelief and started running away. I started running after her but she had got a head start. 


•~~ Avalon's POV~~•

How could he lie to me ? All this time i thought he liked me back , he was leading me on! Gosh, how could I be so stupid . 

I ran away from him as fast as I could . I could hear him calling his name after me , rain started to pour, my dress and hair were soaking wet . I ran into a small alley. I leanded against the brick wall and started crying. Why was love so complicated!? I felt a hand cover my mouth , and an arm grip my waist . Then all I remember was everything going black, blur . 

~~• Greyson's POV•~~ 

" She's what ?!" I yelled . Mr. And Mrs. Lawrence had called me and told me that Avalon had been kidnapped . I had just found out who she is and now i lost her . This is all my fault. 

" This is all my fault !" I cupped my face in my hands . 

" Don't worry sweetie , we called the police and the investigators . They're doing everyhthing they can. " Mrs. Lawrence calmed me down. 

" Get some rest we will think about this in the morning . " Mr . Lawrence said . I nodded and headed home. This was all my fault. 

" Lvvy, please come back " I whispered to myself. 



Sorry I haven't posted in a while , i'm doing some extra-curriculars . European History and Art of Writing! </pre>

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px; text-align: -webkit-auto;">i might be leaving Wattpad, if by the next week, voting reads and comments don't rise , i will make my decision and leave + delete my stories. love to all that are fanning and reading! <3 

Follow me on twitter : @weamluvscody

I'm aslo writing a 1D fanfic ( niall , harry) so if y'all havent checked it out go . Same Mistakes 



Love - xx Weam 


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