Chapter 9: Don't do It For Me... Do it for yourself

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[A/N]: So, I'm going to take this chapter in a twist. This plot is partly true, as where the rest is completely from my mind and fiction. So please, no disagreements! thank you. Also, don't forget to vote and comment. Read my last status, it will effect my next updates. Ooh! You're probably wondering why Grey and Lvvy said I love you so suddenly don't worry we're getting there too. Patience is a wonderful thinggggg ....

"Greyson!" I ran to him when I saw him next to his locker.

"Avalon! Hey, what's up?" He said wrapping me in a hug. "There is this huge favor, I want you to do, but it's for your own good" I told him.

"Okay, shoot!"

"You have your own Youtube channel right?" I questioned.

"Yeah why?" He asked.

"You are a really good piano player, and you can do a little singing while you play too. The talent show is in a week, you can play and sing and upload a video of you to the internet. I know you've always wanted to be like Lady Gaga a star!" I explained.

"No way!" Not going to happen Avalon" He said. "Please!" I begged. He shook his head no.

"Can you at least tell me why not?" I said as we walked hand in hand to class.

"Because I have a 1 in a million chance, and plus i'm not ready" He shrugged

"Well 1 in a million is better than having no chance at all. And I believe in you, and I think you're ready" I smiled at him.

"I'll think about it" I just nodded, i am going to persuade him no matter what. I sat with Bailey at lunch, while Greyson sat with Max and the group.

"So, what did he say?" Bailey asked.

"He said he'll think about it" I answered chewing on a muffin.

"Well, what if he says no"

"It's not my choice, in the end he will be affected. I won't be able to do anything to stop him" I said.

"Yeah, you're probably right. But I really hope he does this, for him and for you" She said

I hoped so too.

• Greyson's POV•

Do it. Do it. Do it. I could hear my conscious telling me to take the chance and audition for the talent show.

Then again I think that was Avalon or Max whispering from behind me in class.

I mean Avalon was right ; I was a good piano player, three years of lessons and I could sing a little. It was also true I wanted to be like Gaga.

"You're thinking..."Avalon whispered as we headed home breaking me out of thoughts.

"hmm, yeah I am, I'll see you later ok?" I said and kissed her cheek and ran to my house. I ran upstairs and started playing piano.

Everytime I touch the keys, i lose myself, i just play and play and time goes by without me feeling it. I don't know what it is, maybe the rythym or the tune is addicting. I feel so relaxed when I play.

I played swiftly for the whole evening, thinking and analysing Avalon's words. Maybe she was right, I do have a talent in piano playing, I can sing a little, i may have a good shot at accomplishing my dreams.

So i've decided. I will enter the contest. I'll upload a video of me playing to YouTube which my dad will record. He's really good at photographing.

I picked up a black jacket out of my room and ran down the stairs, stumbling on the last few. "Mom! I'll be at Lvvy's"I told her and raced out the door to my girl's house.

"Hey!"She smiled and hugged me when she opened the door.

"I've decided"I told her and wiggled my eyebrows a bit.

"And?"She asked

"I'm going to audition!" She squealed of joy and hugged me so tight. It was so warm, it felt good.

"So i looked at the school website and they've promoted this years prize to a free trip to The Ellen Show where you'll be interviewed! I know you can do this Grey"Avalon said and pinched my cheeks.

"Okay 1) that's cool 2) i'm not a baby and 3rd) Oww!"I fake cried and cupped my own cheeks.

"Aww"She cooed and kissed them.

I took Avalon to my house and we sat in the piano room so I could practice it's going to be a long week.


Sorry for the sucky chapter ! And the late update . This one is dedicated to @sorrowful_hearts because she made me the amazing cover, again sorry for the disgusting and short chappie

~Weam xo

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