Chapter 1-First Day

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  Awaking in a deep red, twin sized bed that he made into a nest, Roman looked around to see a blurry world around him.
'Now where are my contacts' the dark skinned boy thought as he was attempting to locate his bathroom.

  After a while of mindless walking he found the restroom;when inside he was trying to feel for the little rectangular box. Once he found the box and put in the contacts and blinking out the uncomfortableness he felt, he looked down and right next to the box and his hand was a tiny bloody razer on the counter; knowing his mom never leaves her room anymore he just left it there.

  Walking into his room and twords is mess of clothes in the corner of his room. He picked up a red, white, and gold flannel; he then picked up a plan black baggy pants; after putting on majority of his clothes he started to put on his makeup even after sleeping today he still had big and dark bags under his eyes. Instead of putting on foundation, he put on eyeshadow as it felt lighter and you could hardly feel it. Walking out of his room was just another reminder that he could have had a family.

  Walking twords the stairs to see a huge painting when he was 6 years old with his mother and brother both people he could never see or send time with. With a small sign he put on his shoes knowing that he had to go check on his mother upstairs he went into the kitchen to make some soup for her.

  While walking up the stairs he saw the little closet where he use to learn about his father and mother relationship before he died adding that with news articles about his family that were never published. Walking into her room was always nerve-wracking to him. He only saw her once that she wasn't in that bed all the time but that day... He push that thought out of his as he entered the dark room. Setting himself on the little green stool next to her bed.

" mama hay comida si quieres algo, no se mucho, así hice un poco."
(mama there's food here if you want some i know you don't really eat a lot so i made just a little.)

  After that he just walked out knowing she wouldn't eat if he was there. While walking out the the room; to the right of him he saw a clock with swords pointing at the time it is; the only thing he saw was that he was almost late for the first day of school. Running out of the house and down the steps?then rolling down the hill face first.

"Thank mother-bleeping God.."
Roman said then stood up to dust himself off but noticing that his shoes where untied he bented down,that's when he heard a whistle from behind him. Knowing it was going to be a waste of time and it's going to make drama he turned back.

  "Hey my-chemically-imbalance-romance." Roman looked over at the taller male.

"Wow princess-"Virgil started

"I'm not a princess-" he stated

"i didn't know you live up here." The emo said completely ignoring what he said.

"I don't I just go on a walk up here sometimes," Roman lied to the emo

"why are you you up here?" The smaller one questioned the emo.
The taller one smiled
"oh me nothing, but we should probably be getting to school, Ro."
  Roman didn't answer but just started to walk down with Virgil. When they got down the hill they saw the bus just go right past them like very day for the past 10 years. Roman and Virgil looked at each other then started to run for the bus. When they were close enough to reach the back door's handle Virgil grabbed Roman's arm pulling him on to the bus with the other lucky kids who ran fast enough. Looking for a seat was
always hard, never really knowing who was on the bus today.

  "First day of-" Roman started

"of hell. No you know what that's an insult to hell this is worse." Virgil added.

"What's with you and interrupting me today." Roman asked the emo. Before roman could get an answer he noticed that a new kid was on the bus.

"Hey did you know there was going to be a new kid?" Roman questioned. Virgil looked at him

"new kid, this town doesn't get new people you know that, Romano." He didn't even look away to look at the kid.

"Okay J.D Lighfull i know people don't come in this town but i know what i saw." Virgil just looked at him in confusion

"who is J.D lightfull?" The emo one asked.

" You know the.. uh very old play.. or was it a musical.. you know Heathers.... Y-you really don't know do you?" I told you about this; you know i wast my best material on you." Roman stood up and almost fell while walking out of his seat while the bus was still moving. Going over to the next seat across of the emo.

"Hey come on, you know i sometimes don't pay attention when you are talking, and the last time they showed that musical was about 200 years ago!" Yelled the emo boy slightly laughing at what he just said. Virgil looked at the tan boy's shirt

"hey isn't that the shirt I told you to burn last year?" Virgil asked roman looked over and nodded at his question.
"So like, why didn't you listen," The emo boy crossed his arms shaking his head in disapproval
"that shirt deserves to be burnt by the stake." Roman didn't even know why he liked the shirt so much, he just did for some odd reason. All he did to answer the question was shrug.

"This is our stop," roman stood up and held his hand out for the other could hold walking twords the back of the bus. Virgil got in front of roman and opened the door holding on tighter and jumped as the bus was still moving. 'Good thing the bus wasn't that fast today, but I should look for a better way to get to school.' the emo thought standing up and dusting Roman and himself off.

Not letting go of his hand roman started walking up the steps to the school still thinking about the kid he saw on the bus. He never saw him before he just had to be new. Roman started thinking about different possibilities of why he had never saw them. He didn't even know their pronouns and he is thinking about them.  

"Hey did you take the pill?" Virgil asks from out of nowhere.

"No i forgot." Roman answered but instead of saying anything else the emo gives him the pill. Roman already knowing what to do put it in his mouth. The pill exploded inside sending out water and paste with a  little baking powder ,mixing it around in his mouth for awhile the had to spit it out on the floor.(that is how they brush their teeth)

  The bell ringed just loud enough for the people outside to hear it. Virgil still pulling Roman along, not daring to be late again after having to stand up and talk to the whole class. Walking in the room before the first teacher was always fun they could see the teachers running to their class. Looking the class their was only a few people inside, taking their seats in the back of the class.
  "Who do you think is going to be our teacher for homeroom?" Roman asked looking at Virgil.
"I don't know but i hope to gob that it isn't Mr Gurber, he shouldn't even be aloud to teach." Virgil answered looking around the room.  The door slowly opened to show, Mr D.  Roman turned to Virgil and mouthed 'Thank God' while showing a small smile at the end.

Virgil-looks pale,eyeshadow under eyelids,likes the color purple,6 feet, emo,and a little bit a bitch in a good way. Eye color is brown but wheres purple and green contacts.
Speaks in a low voice,teases Roman, could make a pun if wanted.
Thoughts has not yet been shown
Effect is a pessimistic person, snarky, little bit flirty.
Actions no really big actions are available.
(Will also be a picture for all of the charaters)

Sorry i don't really speak Spanish and i know a few people will say that it was bad so sorry
I am not going to do Roman and how he looks because that will be in a picture (i think) in the mean time you can guess how he looks like. Oh and if you want to use any of the pictures I draw on to what ever you want please just give me some credit for the work i did. I am sorry if that came on as rude and I apologize to you.

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