Chapter 2: Getting Out

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  Sitting in the bright room with almost nothing inside there, the boy was curled up in the corner in the room. There was a broken bed frame stained with blood and other body fluids. The straight-jacket was already torn apart at almost every place. The kid, Remus didn't know his age only seeing a few people all his little life didn't know many words that most people would know or understand. His child-like innocence that he once had was no more. Wondering what really happened to his family he could have, just made his mental state worse.

The metal semi ruined door open. In what to him felt like thousands and thousands of years it opened. They told him it will never opened untill he got better, he wasn't good; his mind started going to different possibilities of what is happening.

   'I'm not good I'm bad why is it opening?' the pale boy curled up closer to the corner not wanting to get hit again.
   'What happens if they they slammed their fingers until they only have bones for there fingers.'Remus thought. A male walks in but remus' site only saw a tall figure, but the light from behind the door and the figure everything looked so odd to the boy in the corner.

" Kid you can come out of the corner, i don't bite." The man spoke in a deep voice. 

" That's canablisum."

" And how would you know, you haven't gone out of this room in awhile to know anything." The male replied.  Walking towards the teen and saw that the things he was dressed in was to big, he was too pale, to much bones, voice to high and scratchy; everything was weird with the kid.

"The name's Ethan Deceit Lies" Ethan held his hand out to Remus to take.

" Deceit," Remus started "that's what I'm going to call you." Shaking the others hand.

"So, your Remus, from what i heard you been in here since you were six, your sixteen right now." Ethan pulled Remus up to where he is sitting down in front of the older.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Ethan asked Remus but all he got was a shrug in response.

"I'm here to see if you are able to leave or spend more time outside of these walls. You were meant to have this every year but for some reason you didn't i guess?" Deciet told the kid.  Walking towards the door opening it only a little then turned to the side of said door opening it for Remus.

"Well are you coming?" Deceit asked the kid. Remus looked at the man and slowly stood up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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