0 - The Fool

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The forest looks so beautiful.

Dappled sunlight filters through the foliage, light and shadow dancing on the forest floor in half a hundred hues of green. I lean against the slightly squashed doorframe and close my eyes. My magic hums with the birds, creaks with the trees. The forest is waking up. A soft breeze sighs through the canopy, blowing strands of my hair into my eyes. 

Softer hands, gentle and warm, deftly tuck the loose strands behind my ear. The scent of myrrh drifts over me.

I glance sidelong at Muriel.  His sleep-tousled hair does little to hide the pink flush creeping into his cheeks, the same colour as the blush painting the horizon. Muriel seems to have found profound interest in anywhere other than my face. Smiling a little, I wind my fingers through his.

"Morning, love," I whisper. 

The tension in his shoulders melts as he gives my hand a gentle squeeze, but the blush stays. 

"...Morning," he mumbles. "And...and happy birthday." Muriel gazes down at me, green eyes softening. I smile, leaning into his side. Slowly, he winds his arm tenderly around my waist. We stay like that until the sunlight spills over the tree tops, just breathing in the morning air.

"I thought that...maybe...maybe you'd want to sleep in?" Muriel says finally. I stifle a laugh. His eyebrows quirk in question. "That does sound good...but what about my birthday surprise?" I ask with all the innocence I can muster. Muriel freezes, the surprise on his face palpable. 

He opens his mouth. Closes it. 

Blinks once. Twice. 

Opens his mouth again. 

"B-but...how did you...it was a surprise!" He splutters, staring at me. "How...who told y-" 


 I watch as Muriel's face settles into a disgruntled scowl. He closes his eyes. 

"...Oh." A flicker of annoyance passes over his features. "Of course she did." 

Muriel looks so disappointed, guilt settles like a weight in my stomach. He doesn't like parties, but he went through all the trouble anyway...

Frowning, I reach up and rest a palm on his stubbled cheek. His eyes fly open. He rests his hand over mine, so impossibly large in comparison. "I'm sorry," I say sadly. "I love the idea of a party, and I'm so happy you organised it, and...I'm sorry, I've ruined it...I..." My bumbling falls flat, and suddenly tears threaten to flow. The bliss of the morning is quickly disappearing. But instead, Muriel cups my face in his hands. Concern flickers in the green of his eyes. 

"...It's ok, love. Please...please don't cry," Muriel says softly, running his thumbs over my skin. Faint amusement dances in his eyes now. "It's only early, but...but somehow I've already made you cry. On your birthday." 

Instead of tears, I burst out laughing. At that, Muriel visibly relaxes, even smiling a little. I lean forward and kiss him softly. He jerks a little in surprise, but he returns the kiss tenderly. The morning bliss returns as the world melts away and it's just us. Muriel and me. 

"...Happy birthday...again," he murmurs against my lips.

 I chuckle, content to spend my day cuddling Muriel, when suddenly a mass of fur with yellow eyes comes flying, bowling us over. 

I'm flat on my back, laughing breathless as Inanna relentlessly delivers an assault of birthday licks and snuffles. "Morning, Inanna," I manage. 

She replies with a delighted 'whuff,' but I know what she's saying. 

Happy Birthday to me, I think happily.

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