Part 3 A change of tide

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"Armani, this is my boss- Kalypso. Kalypso this is the girl- the one everyone is talking about."

"Lovely to meet you"

Kalypso was only twenty-eight, but she had already been in the Marines and had been the chief for three years. She led with a firm determination and a cold manner. Her colleagues were either scared of her or in awe. She had a habit of doing that, whether intentionally or not.


She was born in 1991, in a small Hawaiian village. Her parents moved when she was three because their village had been destroyed during a volcanic eruption. Because they were poor, they took a boat, but it sunk when they were still onboard, due to a storm. Kalypso was separated from her parents and she never found out what happened to them. She ended up in the Galapagos. There was nearly no one there because it was a protected reserve. Only one boat went in that direction so there were about twelve people on the island. They learnt to survive and made huts for their families. Since Kalypso didn't know where her family was, she lived in her own hut, alone. She was four when this happened.

She had a happy childhood, as she loved the freedom she had. No one bossed her around, and she was never educated. She worked the lands and made herbal medicines for the ill. She was eight when she decided to leave the islands. She knew there was another world out there. Yet, the only things she remembered were the eruption and the sinking. She made herself a raft and piled up on provisions. She was nine when she rowed her way to Peru. There she was free again. She lived in the forest- the Amazon forest- but decided that she still hadn't had the taste of life that she needed. She followed the Amazon river till she reached Brazil. She managed to get to a city and hitched a ride to Brasilia.

She was young and joined a crime gang. As she grew, she became a criminal mastermind. She killed many and became a wanted person in more than one country. She changed her face and name many times. Eventually she stayed as Kalypso Dathe, a word that contained the same letters as death. She forged her papers at nineteen, went to the Marines, and became a detective. None of her colleagues suspected a thing, which is ironic considering that they were all detectives of high quality. Some were even secret agents.

Her life had been complicated and it had changed her perspective. When she met Armani, she brought her to a room without any cameras and walls so thick you can't hear a thing. It was called the danger room. It was for a detective to say anything personal to the person, without anyone else listening in. There were no windows, so it was totally private. Kalypso pulled out a gun and pointed it at Armani.

"From one cold-blooded murderer to the other, I know what you are doing. I used to work for 'them'" She spat out the word. Then she pulled off her face. The face beneath made Armani sick. It was her mother's. Then Kalypso pulled off her face again to reveal that of a scarred boy. She pulled her face off again to reveal her real face. It was horrific. She was scarred and ugly. Her hair was beautiful, long and black, but her face was ruined. There were knife marks all over it.

Finally, to Kalypso's enormous relief, Armani spoke "Why do you have my mother's face?"

"She was taken to where I was. She was tortured to death, but I got to see her face first. I used it to keep myself hidden. She was killed by those who you work for."


"It was always planned that you would be a large part of their idea, but your mother was against it. During the bombing they murdered a woman who looked like her and made you believe it was her. They took her away to their base and did what I just told you. Her last words were 'Save Armani please'"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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