R + E

109 1 6

richie parked his car on the bridge, he hesitantly opened the door and got out, adjusting his glasses on his head. he walked up to the worn down wood of the kissing bridge, he crouched down and studied the faded 'R+E' carved into the ancient bridge. he ran his finger along the dents and pulled out his pocket knife, he started making the old 'R+E' looking new, like how it looked all those years ago.

he smiled sadly.


"i'm actually so fucking scared right now" eddie said, as fast as he normally does.
"stan did it and stan is a pussy, come on eds.." richie said smirking at him.
"nononono" eddie mumbled, nervously laughing.
richie grabbed eddie's hand and ran to the front of the cliff, jumping off.
they landed in the water of the quarry. the pair rose to the top of the water while everyone else was laughing at them.
"see everything was fucking fine" richie said wiping his hair back.
"i hate you" eddie replied.


richie biked as fast as he could to eddie's house, it was 11:49 at night and he said he'd see eddie that night. he dropped his bike on the floor and picked up a few rocks. he started throwing a few and... missing eddie's window, he finally hit it and saw a light flicker on, then eddie pop up and open his window.
"richie i swear to god, you scared me so fucking much." eddie said, taking a quick puff from his inhaler.
richie snorted and jumped up onto the tree and climbed in his window.

"picked a movie?" richie questioned
"no, i was waiting for you to get here, but you were 20 fucking minutes late!" eddie whisper shouted.
"sorry, sorry.. i was trying not to wake my parents up" richie laughed while adjusting his glasses.
"you pick the movie, anyway" richie said flopping onto eddie's bed.
"okay fine." eddie said sighing and crouching down, looking through his video tapes.
"do you have labyrinth?" richie asked sighing
"yes, it's right here actually" eddie turned around, holding the tape while smiling at him.
"YEEsss" richie shouted but slowly quietened. eddie smiled at how excited richie was and laughed a little.


eddie jumped into the hammock and stared at richie, studying his face as he read his comic. richie rolled his eyes and slightly smiled at him. richie subtly stared at eddie, richie never got quiet moments like this to stare at eds. until he saw eddie's foot come directly for his face, wacking his glasses off his face.
"i swear to god, eds"
eddie laughed and they locked eyes with eachother, smiling contently.


"i think i did it! i think i killed it!"
richie smiled from ear to ear at eddie.
"eds, i lo-" richie mumbled but suddenly he saw a sharp, leg go through eddie's chest.
"eddie!" richie sat up.
"holy shit holy shit"


richie wiped his eyes, he looked down at the board of wood below his 'R+E' and saw R in a heart. he smiled sadly. he looked down the bridge and saw 'E+R'.

"eds, i love you"

word count: 527

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