(0) Important

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Hello and welcome to my Book.

This is the first chapter you will read and is very important if you are here to stay and not read one chapter, decide its boring and leave. This book may start slowly but will get a lot better the further on you read. These are just some rules i would like to share, some of these may be obvious, however, i cant always be sure some people will think so. So please read on and enjoy:)

This book may have some spelling and grammar mistakes. Please call me out on it but please dont be rude about it. I enjoy writing, but hate when people comment rude things about my work and will not continue this if that happens.

there might be some mentions on rape, sexual assult and harrasment. If this triggers you in any way this may not be the book for you, however, i will try my best to give warnings at the start of each chapter.

i do not condone violence and murder but this book might make it look otherwise.

If there is somthing majour missing from the plot - please call me out but don't be rude. This does not mean if Jim Gordon goes on a case that happened a few episodes before as some of the plot being changed might be on purpose.

My character is called Quinn, she is NOT Harley Quinn

This book is under construction right now and will get back to publishing as soon as I've finished. This point will be dated when it has finished.

Updates are every other day, with exceptions.

Thank you for reading this before continuing with my book. My mesages are always open if youre scared of commenting and would like to tell me something in private, if it be contructive critisism or even just to be nice, or even just to message to chat. I always love a commenter so please dont hold back. Thanks for picking my book and enjoy:)))

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