♡capìtulo 4 ♡

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"T-Taehyungie?" Seokjin stutters out.

"Jinnie" Taehyung breathes out.

Tears fill up both of their eyes as they step towards each other and embrace each other into a tight hug.

Namjoon smiles at them, closes the door and leaves the pair alone.

The two now start fully crying. They missed being this close to each other. They didn't know how long they stood there, in each other's arms.

Seokjin steps back a little and cups Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung smiles at him and wraps his arms around Seokjin's small waist.

"I can't believe it's really you Taehyungie. I dreamed of this moment for so long" Seokjin says. He smiles and wipes his tears from
his eyes.

Taehyung smiles at him. He brings his hand up and places it on Seokjin's cheek, feeling the soft skin. "I've been wanting to see you for so long now, i can't believe you're really here with me."

They smile and stare at eachother for the longest time. They really can't believe they're together again. They admire each other with a fond gaze.

'How can he be so beautiful?' thats what each of them are thinking as they look at each other.

Taehyung grabs Seokjin's hand and guides them towards the bed. He lays down and taps the side next to him so Seokjin can lay with him.

They lay on their sides. "What a coincidence we reunited here. I honestly thought you weren't going to attend here." Seokjin says.

"I knew this was the only school you'd ever go to so i tried really hard in school so that i could reunite with you here. I missed you so much and it hurt more when i thought you didn't want to keep our friendship. I understand and i'm not mad since i know it was against your will." Taehyung says.

"I know and i'm so sorry Tae. I would never have thought my dad would do that. He's changed now. I only got a phone when i graduated high school as a gift. He didn't want me to get distracted from my studies. I'm sorry if i caused you pain. I didn't mean to. But please, don't even think that i'd want to break our friendship. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Taehyungie."

Taehyung smiles and grabs Seokjin's hand "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me too Jinnie. I'd never imagine my life without you."

Seokjin smiles and hugs Taehyung. Taehyung responds to the hug and pulls him as close as possible.

They talk about what they did without each other for about an hour. Namjoon came back and said that Seokjin's friends were waiting for him.

They let go of eachother and walk out to the lounge. Seokjin sees his friends and smiles at them. He brings Taehyung over and presents them to eachother.

"Taehyungie, this is Jimin and Yoongi my best friends. Jimin and Yoongi, this is Taehyung my best friend." Seokjin smiles.

Jimin smiles and shakes Taehyung's hand. "Nice to meet you Taehyung."

Yoongi smiles awkwardly and shakes Taehyung's hand, " Yeah nice to meet you"

Taehyung smiles, " It's nice to meet both of you too."

Yoongi checks the time on his phone. It's time to go if they want to get back home before it gets dark. " Ah Jin, i'm sorry but we have to make our way home. I'm going to drive this time so you can rest okay?"

Seokjin nods. "Okay Yoonie. I'll just say bye to Taehyung and Namjoon. You guys can go to the car already."

Jimin and Yoongi nod and say goodbye to Namjoon and Taehyung.

Seokjin hugs Namjoon. "I'll see you when we come back and move in okay Joonie." Namjoon smiles at the nickname and nods.

Taehyung rolls his eyes at Seokjin giving Namjoon a nickname. 'He doesn't even remember you Jinnie, why are you already getting so close' he thinks.

Taehyung smiles as he feels Seokjin wrapping his arms around him. He responds back. Seokjin pulls away, " I need both of your numbers, just in case."

'Why does he need Namjoon's number? Ah right, they're roommates'

He pulls out his phone and saves their numbers into his contacts. He says goodbye to them and runs to the car.

He gets in and Yoongi tells him something about taking too long. Seokjin brushes it off though as he's way too happy right now.

He smiles and falls asleep after such a long day.

He can't wait until he gets to see Taehyung again.


hey babes! this chapter is a little shorter than usual i'm sorry 😔. I will be updating tomorrow so please look out for that.

ALSO. TAEJIN AT TODAY'S CONCERT OMG. I DIED. they didn't care 💀. so what is their song 💗💓💖.

anyway, i hope you all have an amazing day/night ☺️

-aidee. borahae 💜

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