Chapter 4 - Hurtful Past

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Ellie POV

    I stirred awake to find myself as close to Mommy as possible and her strong arms wrapped around me. I look up to see her beautiful green eyes already looking down at me with a smile plastered onto her face.

"Well good morning my Ellie-Bellie," Mommy whispered before kissing my forehead.

I blushed at the nickname and quickly said, "Good morning Mommy," causing her to smile even bigger than before.

We lay in each others arms for a little while longer before I finally broke the silence. "Mommy?"

Mommy looked down at me before responding, "Yes, my sweet baby?"

"Is it okay if I call you Mommy even when I'm not little or you know, when we are, uh..."

"Making love?" Mommy asked causing my blush to redden practically my whole face.

"Y-yeah, what you said," I somehow manage to spit out without choking.

"Of course Ellie-Bellie, Mommy would really like that. I want you to feel comfortable calling me whatever, whether it's Mommy or Eliza. However, when you are truly in little space, it's required to call me Mommy. Do we want to go over rules and limits later today baby girl?"

I just nodded my head and sunk further into her embrace, all of this big girl talk was really making it hard for me not to slip now that I know I can. Mommy noticed because she tightened her grip around me and gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

Mommy loosened her grip before announcing, "How about we get some food in your belly before our big girl talk?"

The thought of breakfast made me super excited so I jumped and yelled, "REESE PUFFS?" Mommy chuckled and told me she was making me actual food despite my protests.

Eliza POV

    After breakfast, we both sat on the couch each with a piece of paper and a pen. "Alright baby girl, I want you to write on one side of the paper things you want and the other side to be things you don't want. I know we haven't talked much about your submissive side, so we can save that for later depending on how you are feeling about this, okay? Mommy is going to make her own list and then we can look at them together before editing them for what works best for us. Sound good?"

Ellie nodded quickly and replied with "Sounds good Mommy." God, her calling me Mommy literally makes me want to cry because I am so thrilled to finally be a mommy.

   Mommy's Want List          
        Potty Play              
        Bedtime Stories          
        Meal Time/Prep
    Mommy's Limit List
          No Lying or Manipulation
          No Swear Words
          No Self-Harm, Drugs, or Alcohol
          No Playing with what Belongs to Mommy
          No Sharing what Belongs to Mommy

   Ellie's Want List          
        Ni-Ni Stories              
        Play Time with Mommy      
        Share Bed with Mommy
    Ellie's Limit List
         No hitting just to hurt me
         NO BOYS
         No mean words :(
         No diaper play, help with potty is okay

    I handed Ellie my paper while she handed me hers. Taking a look at her want list makes me so relieved that she wants suck-sucks, which I am assuming is her word for nursing, but I will have to verify that.

Moving over to her limit list has me a little concerned though. Her very first limit is no hitting just to hurt her, has someone hurt my baby girl in the past? The next two are just as concerning, no boys in all capitals and no mean words with a frowny face.

Her last one is a little upsetting, but she seems to have compromised. I would have loved to have done diaper play with her, but it looks like she is okay with me helping her on the potty.

"Ellie baby, can you talk to me about the first three things on your limit list? I don't share what belongs to me, especially not with any boys, but I do need to know what happened to you in the past because I don't want to accidentally trigger any bad memories. I do want a future embracing our Domme/sub roles, but I want to be careful."

Ellie shrunk into me with the side of her face on my chest and took a deep breath. Finally, she started speaking.

Ellie POV

    "I was 15 when I started dating a boy named Tyler. He seemed really nice and I was trying my hardest not to be a lesbian because I knew how poorly my parents would react if they found out. My parents absolutely loved Tyler, they were ready to make us get married if it wasn't for the fact that I was only 15. T-Tyler started getting meaner and more a-aggressive towards me as we progressed in our relationship. I know you don't like my potty mouth, but I want to tell you what he called me,"

Mommy hugged me tighter before nodding and saying, "Go ahead baby girl, you have my permission."

"Tyler would call me a whore, a slut, a no good piece of shit who deserves to die, you get the point. So finally I decided to end things with him, when he asked for a reason, my dumb self told him the truth, that I was a lesbian. Well, I regretted telling him that almost immediately because he beat me into the ground. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks just from the damage he had done. My parents blamed me, that if I wasn't a lesbian none of this wouldn't have happened to me. So I went back into hiding until I turned 18. I packed my stuff and told my parents that not only was I a lesbian, but I was a little as well. My father spit in my face and my mother slapped me before telling me I was dead to them and I quote "You are no longer our child." That is the last time I spoke to or saw my parents and I have never been happier. So yeah, Tyler is the reason for 3 of the 4 limits on my list."

Without saying a word, Mommy pulled me closer to her than before and placed kisses all over my forehead and cheeks. "I am so so sorry that happened to you little one. If I could have been there to protect you back then I would have, but I wasn't, so it is my responsibility now to protect you from all harm. I love you so much Ellie-Bellie," is all she said before place a long, loving kiss to my lips.

"Thank you for listening, I feel better finally telling someone who cares, I love you too Mommy, so much." We lounged on the couch for the rest of the day just offering occasional kisses and touches, just to be comforted by each others presence.

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