Ch. 9 - First Day without Mommy

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*there may be things in this chapter that are triggering so this is your warning.*

Ellie POV

I have been living with Eliza for awhile now and we both decided it was best if I didn't work at the Veterinary Office anymore. Not being able to help sick animals was really taking its toll on me. Instead, on days she has to go into work, I volunteer at different animal shelters in the area. She works 3 days a week at her work, and then 2 days a week from home. So each day she goes in, I will volunteer at a different one.

Today is Monday, meaning Eliza is at work and I am getting ready to go volunteer at High Hopes Animal Shelter today. Wednesday's I go to Furever Loved Animal Shelter, and Thursday's I go to the local animal control. Eliza was definitely worried when this new arrangement came about. She wanted to drop me off and pick me up every time, but she has to be at work way to early for me to be going to the shelter, plus I like to sleep.

I somehow managed to convince her to let me take public transportation. She knows I have to much anxiety when it comes to driving, so she doesn't even push on the subject. It's 8am now, and the train gets to my stop at about 8:15 so I decide to grab my food and head out.

I make it on the train right before it's about to head out and quickly find a seat since there is almost no one on the train. There's one guy sitting farther away and me, that's it. He is kind of creepy so I try to pay him no attention. That quickly ends when he decides to get up and come talk to me.

"Hey pretty thing, what's a sweetheart like you doing all alone?" He asks with a little grin as he leans against one of the poles. I keep my head down and scoot away from him. This only made him angry.

He immediately got in my face and started yelling, "YOU FUCKING ANSWER ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU BITCH!" Feeling frightened and upset I could feel a tear run down my face and then a hard slap to my face along with him grabbing my wrists.

He had a tight hold on me as he started getting more and more aggressive by punching me. After begging him through choked sobs to stop, he did stop hitting me. I felt relieved until I heard his belt buckle undo. I tried pulling away, but that just earned another hard smack. He was kissing all over my chest and began pulling my pants down as well. All I could do in the moment was sob and beg him to stop.

It wasn't until our next stop when luckily two police officers got onto our train. When they saw us, the male officer yelled at the man attempting to rape me to get off of me as he grabbed him and threw him off of me. 

The female officer came over and wiped my tears away and helped me fix my hair and clothing. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay now. We are going to get you to the hospital to have them check out the extent of your injuries. What's your name?"

 I sniffle before responding, "Ellie Heart." 

She smiled at me and said, "Ellie is a beautiful name," before getting me into an ambulance that was waiting for us. 

She was acting like she wasn't going to come with which made me freak out. "You're coming with me right?" 

The Officer quickly got in and said, "of course, I just needed to talk to the EMT's before we head to the hospital. I do need something of you though," I cocked my head to the side before she continued, "I need you to tell me what happened."

I was in tears by the time I was finished telling her what happened. The officer gently rubbed my arm before telling me, "You're okay, we will make sure he can never hurt you again. Is there anyone I can call who will meet us at the hospital?" 

I nodded my head before telling her, "Can you call my girlfriend Eliza Lewis?" And I gave her Eliza's number. I really need her right now, I want to, no need to slip and I can't do it without her.

We get to the hospital and after checking me out they come to the conclusion I have a fractured wrist, a broken nose, a concussion, and a broken eye socket. To say the least, I look like shit. Finally all the doctors leave and I'm able to fall asleep hoping Eliza gets here soon.

Eliza POV

Today I have to go into work so Ellie will be going to volunteer at the animal shelter. I really would prefer to drop her off each morning and pick her up when I get off, but she insists that she will be fine.

It's around 8:45 so I have been at work for about an hour and a half or so when I get a call. "Hello, is this Eliza Lewis?" Confuses I answer, "Yes, this is she. May I ask who is calling and what about?"

"I'm calling to inform you your girlfriend Ellie Heart is at Midwest General Hospital. I was one of the officers who helped her when she was attacked on the train this morning. 

"ATTACKED? What do you mean attacked?" 

I hear the officer sigh before she says, "Another Officer and I found a man assaulting Ellie and was getting ready to rape her when we intervened."

 I couldn't stand the thought of Ellie being alone so I gathered my stuff and let the officer know I was on my way.

I made it to the hospital and found Ellie's room. When I walked in, I noticed she was asleep, so I carefully got into bed next to her and even in her slumber she cuddle right into me. 

I kissed her on the top of the head before whispering, "I am so sorry my sweet girl. I promise to never let anything like this happen again." After awhile of lying in bed with her and playing with her hair, I started drifting to sleep.

When I wake next, I discover Ellie is awake and running her hand up and down my arm. I kiss her forehead before telling her, "good morning baby girl." 

She jumped a little before cocooning herself deeper, "morning mommy." I sigh, realizing this attack has definitely made her slip into little space. 

Not that I have a problem with her little space, I don't. I absolutely adore her when she's little and allows me to care for her in all ways that make me feel loved and needed. I hate the fact that a traumatic event is pushing her into little space, I like when she slips simply because she feels like it, not because she needs it.

Removing myself from my own pity party, I lightly scratch her head before she tells me what happened. She's still obviously upset about what happened, so I just pull her closer and give her gentle kisses.

Ellie POV

"I'm sorry mommy," she gave me a confused look before asking why. "You weally no want me to wide the twain but I insisted I could. I shoulda lis'en to you. I no wanna wide the twain no more." 

Mommy sighed before rubbing my back, "you don't have to ride the train anymore, I am definitely fine with that. I think for the time being, you should take a break from volunteering and just come to work with a mommy for awhile. Then once you have healed up you can start volunteering again... But, I will be driving and picking you up. I never want something like this to happen to you ever again. I need to be there to protect my little one."

I completely agreed with her and snuggled in again feeling tired. Mommy said I wouldn't be discharged until tomorrow so it's totally fine if I go back to sleep. 

Before I doze off again I quickly tell Mommy, "I love you s'much mommy, t'ank you for always protec'ing me and helpin me. I yuv you." 

Mommy kissed my temple before saying, "I love you too sweetheart, now get some sleep." I snuggled deep into mommy's chest before my eyelids became heavy and I slipped into a peaceful slumber.

A/N: It has been awhile since I have uploaded so figured I would tonight. Sorry if it's awful. I wrote it in like 30 minutes without editing and I am absolutely exhausted. As always, like, comment, tell me it's shitty in the nicest way possible, you get the idea🤷🏻‍♀️

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