Chapter 7 - Mommy Will Fix It

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Ellie POV

    We had just finished breakfast when Mommy asked if I wanted to take a bath with her, which sounded like a great idea because I was feeling incredibly little and couldn't talk, so I just nodded my head.

Mommy picked me up again like she did when going down to breakfast and carried me back up the stairs. She walked us into the bathroom and set me down onto the toilet. She started to run the water while grabbing some clothing, towels and bubbles, which I was so excited for even if I couldn't express it right now.

Mommy came back over to me after undressing herself and then undressing me right before she turned the water off. Mommy got in first before picking me up and placing me in the water.

She carefully laid down and pulled me to rest on top of her. It was so nice and made me feel so connected and safe with her.

She scooped water into a cup and poured it down my back as she kissed my forehead.

"You know I love you Ellie right? I really wish you would talk to me so I could help you." I just nodded while mindlessly rubbing the top of her breast. I heard her sigh and felt bad for not verbally responding.

Eliza POV

    I'm so scared she's shutting down on me and I don't know how to help her.

Thoughts are running through my head when I hear a faint, "Mommy?"

I looked down and it's my sweet little girl, she finally spoke. "Yes baby?"

"Mommy, can we get out before I tell you what happened?" She quietly asked, almost as if she was afraid I would say no.

"Of course sweetheart, let's finish washing up and we'll get out to have our conversation."

I quickly washed both of us before getting out, drying us off and then clothing. I decided just to put underwear on both of us since I feel like this will be a harsh conversation that will require lots of skin-to-skin cuddling and nursing.

I laid us in bed with Ellie curled into my side and her head on my chest. She's walking her fingers on the side of my abdomen and takes a deep breath before she begins.

Ellie POV

*trigger warning*

    I take a deep breath before I tell her about my nightmare.

"I had a nightmare, which you probably don't know I have. I only have them when I am not with you. Anytime I can feel your arms wrapped around me, it's like my subconscious knows that I'm safe while im with you," I feel Mommy squeeze me in her arms as if she was trying to shield me from every bad thought. "In this nightmare, I was at your house, well I guess ours now," Mommy smiled a bit at that.

"When the power went out. So in this nightmare I went to check and see if I could turn it back on when someone grabbed me and threw me into a van. Once I got my bearings, I realized it was my parents who abducted me. My mom started hitting me and telling me that you didn't want me anymore and told them to come and take me back. I yelled back at her to tell her that wasn't true, but what if she was right in this nightmare? You are too good for me and you shouldn't have to put up with my nonsense and my crybaby self," I sobbed out.

"Ssh, ssh, no baby girl. I love you with my entire heart, I would never ever give you up, and if I had it my way, your parents would be punished for how they treated you. I love you, what she said in your dream was not true, and I don't want you believing anything she says," Mommy says while squeezing a little harder and kissing my forehead lovingly.

"Well, after I yelled back, she hit me until I was unconcious. I woke up and didn't realize where I was, until Tyler walked out of the bathroom. He told me that he...he," when I started stuttering, Mommy quickly jumped in,

"It's okay sweetheart, take your time."

"Tyler told me that he had sex with me when I was unconscious and when I tried to get away he grabbed me, hit me and then was getting ready to rape me again when I woke up," I finally sobbed out into Mommy's chest while holding onto her with all of my might.

Eliza's POV

    I can't believe what she just told me. I basically triggered this, I make her feel safe and when I left her alone in bed, her nightmares took over. I wonder if the last time I had left her in bed and she came out crying had a more serious reality than what she told me.

Finally I decided I needed to speak, "I'm so proud of you for telling me baby, I know it was hard for you. I need you to trust that I will always protect you, even if I am not with you. I love you so much and I will never let anything or anyone take you away from me. I promise."

"I trust you Mommy, and I love you too, with my whole heart," Ellie whispered and kissed the base of my neck.

"Now, does my sweet, perfect little baby girl want suck-sucks?" "Yes please Mommy." "Alright then, c'mere honey." I get her positioned, and before I have her latch on, I give her a sweet kiss on the lips.

I put my nipple in her mouth and she latches on with ease and lets out a little hum. I coo while scratching her scalp and gently rubbing my fingers up and down her side while gently patting her bottom with every stroke down.

Nursing and skin-to-skin contact really seems to calm her down and I notice she has fallen asleep, so I adjust us that she doesn't lose her latch, but that I can lay down with her. Right before I fall asleep as well, I whisper to her that I love her and kiss the top of her head.

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