Ch. 18 - Love & Appreciation

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Ellie POV

Eliza and I have been together for almost a year now and I realized I haven't done anything romantic or couple like with her which made me all the sads.

She had to go to work this morning and since I was big when she left, she was okay with me staying by myself.

I had already ordered her a bracelet from Tiffany & co. with money I had saved up. It had both of our birthstones on it and an inscription on the inside.

It read; With Love, Your Baby Girl Ellie

I'm really excited for tonight. Since I had technically been feeling all types of small, I still had enough big in me to realize I shouldn't cook, so instead I ordered Chinese food from Eliza's favorite restaurant.

I had set the table with all types of cute notes, some I wrote when I was big and some were when I was little.

They were all over the table and I had went ahead and got our plates of food ready since she would be home any minute.

I kept the box the bracelet was stored in my back pocket to keep it surprise.

I then lit some candles and played some soft music in the background when I heard the door unlock.

I turned around and saw my beautiful mommy and girlfriend.

I felt my cheeks flush red as she wandered inside.

She looked around for a moment before looking at me with the brightest smile one could imagine.

"Ellie? What's all of this?" She asked me as she came closer to hug me.

"Hi mommy, it for you." I mumbled into her chest.

"I see that baby but what for?"

I just shook my head, giggled and then pointed at the letters.

Some I had written when I was little so it says something along the lines of 'I love you Mommy!' And it had a bunch of drawings of us together.

She was the most perfect person ever. She knew exactly how to read the letters.

With each letter she read I could see her eyes get a little bit glossier. She started with all of the little letters that were scattered around the table before finally getting to the letter in front of her plate. The one when I was completely big.

My beautiful Eliza,

How on earth did I get so lucky to have you in my life. You are without a doubt the most beautiful, inside and out, kindest, most loving person with a heart of gold.

You love me fully without waiver every single day. You are my perfect girlfriend and even better mommy that I could ever ask for.

You are my shoulder to lean on as girlfriends, you take care of me when I'm little, and you get the brattiness out of me when needed.

You are always observant of my needs and struggles and never leave my side. I don't know what I did to deserve you and some days I feel that I don't deserve you.

After being together for almost a year I realize I have never done anything special for you like you have done for me over and over again. So tonight is all for you.

I love you with everything I am Eliza Lewis and I will continue to love you every day I walk this earth and beyond.

With all of my love,

Your baby girl and girlfriend

By the time she finished the letter she had tears flowing down her face.

"Oh baby, come here please." She motioned me over into her arms.

"I love you so much Eleanor Heart. If anyone is undeserving it's me. You are the most perfect girl and are an absolute blessing to me. Just being with you is a treat every single day that I will never take for granted. God! I love you baby."

Seeing her cry makes me slip so fast it's insane.

"I yuv 'ou too momma. I has anotha pwesent for 'ou momma."

"Sweetheart, this was more than enough," she said and kissed my forehead.

I giggled and shook my head as I pulled out a box.

She slowly opened it and started crying again.

"I love it baby girl. It's beautiful."

That made me smile, "dats you birt's'one and dats mine!" I said pointing at the two birthstones.

"I see that baby, thank you."

"Ooh ooh, read da inside!"

"With Love, Your Baby Girl Ellie" she read aloud.

Eliza POV

"I love you my Ellie," I spoke after reading the inscription aloud.

She had done so much for me tonight and it makes my heart so full.

"I yuv 'ou more Momma," she said. Though she has definitely slipped due to her use of momma.

"How about we eat our food and then cuddle on the couch and watch movies?"

"Momma no wan p'ay time?" She still wants to give me more even if she's obviously little.

"No baby girl, not tonight. You're feeling all kinds of small tonight aren't ya?"

She just nodded her head real big.

"There's nothing to worry about then sweetie. The only thing I want to do is sit with my sweet baby on the couch and snuggle. Does that sound okay?"

I got a little bit of a smile out of her and another big nod.

I sat down to eat, but not before pulling Ellie up onto my lap so we can eat.

Before we dug in she gave me a quick peck on the lips, that sneaky little girl.

I fed her in my lap before I carried her over to the couch and got her blankets situated.

I started The Aristocats before leaving her to make us a bowl of ice cream to share.

When I came back I pulled her onto my lap once more as she laid her head on my chest and snuggled into me.

I fed her and myself spoonfuls of ice cream as we watched the movie.

We finished the ice cream and about half way through the movie I could feel her slump a little, sure enough she was out.

I quietly carried her into our room and laid her on the bed. I pulled the clothes she had on off and put on pajamas.

I then switched into my pajamas as well before climbing into bed.

I pulled my sweet little one on top of me and kissed her forehead.

"I love you with my entire soul, mind, heart, and body my Ellie girl. And I promise to always be next to you."

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