Chapter Ten

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Lukewarm rushed into Victor's office, with Martin and Barry at his heels.

"Is it true? Is it true?" he exclaimed.

"Calm down, Lukewarm," Victor replied, "and please take a seat, all of you."

After they sat down and regained their composure, Victor cleared his throat.

"Wilhelm Schaffhausen is in New York," he said quietly.

The room fell silent, everybody taking in the information completely.

"So what do we do now?" Martin said finally.

"He doesn't just want to kill Lukewarm anymore," Victor explained. "This time, he wants to prove himself to the entire city, possibly even all of America."

"How's he gonna do that?" Lukewarm frowned.

"By waging war on New York," Victor said, staring at the vast skyline of the city.


Vanessa, Andrea and Jennifer reached the precinct a short while later. Victor escorted them into his office.

Vanessa saw Lukewarm, Barry and Martin whispering intently in a corner. She also noticed a group of officers awaiting their Captain's command.

"Why have you called us here?" Jennifer inquired.

"Because we have a mission at hand." Victor nodded at Lukewarm. "Wilhelm Schaffhausen is playing a game no one else has attempted."

Suddenly, a short series of blasts were heard, and everyone saw a building collapse far away. The jets responsible for the damage had already flown away.

"What's going on, Lukewarm?" Vanessa asked nervously.

"This is it, Vanessa," he replied dramatically. "This is the apocalypse."

"What?" Barry frowned.

"Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood."

"This is no time for jokes, Lukewarm!" Victor shouted. "Alright, so we know Schaffhausen's planning to infiltrate the Empire State Building. So Lukewarm, along with Vanessa, Andrea and Jennifer, will reach the skyscraper well in advance. You will find Wilhelm in The STATE Grill and Bar on Level 12 at nine o'clock."

"Wonderful," remarked Lukewarm, "I get to go with the girls! But it's already seven o'clock."

"So get going!" Barry replied loudly.

"There's just one slight complication." Victor sighed. "You guys will have to jog it out. We're avoiding cop cars, and all the motorbikes will be in use tonight. I've assembled an entire task force to take the Revolutionaries down."

"What?" Lukewarm fumbled for the doorknob and rushed out of the room. He shouted, "What are you girls waiting for? Come on!"


Just before they left, Lukewarm opened his car's boot and grabbed his baseball bat and his gun.

"This is my signature weapon," he explained to his companions, pointing at the bat.

They began running and were wary of their surroundings. Lukewarm told them to move stealthily, making as little noise as they could. He gave his gun to Vanessa and with both hands clasped around the bat, kept moving steadily.

Suddenly, he motioned for them to hide. He ducked behind a car and looked sideways.

Suddenly, a figure in black lunged at Andrea, who was hiding behind a dumpster.

Before she could scream, her assailant had stuffed a cloth into her mouth.


"Here goes nothing, officers," Victor shouted. "Our plan is to exterminate the Revolutionaries stationed across town and disappear into the darkness before the others find us."

"Exterminate sounds a little far-fetched," said Corporal Smith.

"Yes, I was exaggerating."

The corporal frowned. He had never approved of Victor and Lukewarm and had considered it a personal achievement when he'd arrested Lukewarm a year ago. But it was too late to play games anymore. There was only one thing left to do...

"Put on your helmets, and get your bikes ready," Victor ordered, already sitting on his Harley Davidson.

A few minutes later, the police officers revved their motorcycles and rode away into the darkness.


Lukewarm hurled his bat at Andrea's assailant. The man winced in pain and turned around to find Lukewarm. 

"I've got you, haven't I?" The hooded man removed a gun from his pocket.

"Not so much." Vanessa raised her pistol at the hitman and fired.

The Revolutionary fell to his knees and gasped in pain. He clutched his arm, which was now bleeding.

Lukewarm high-fived Vanessa. Jennifer helped Andrea to her feet and smiled at her.

Suddenly, Lukewarm gasped. Their enemy had disappeared into the night.

"We're not safe here," he uttered and motioned for the others to follow him.

As they were walking, Vanessa walked up to Lukewarm. "Do you have a plan?"

"I will engage Wilhelm in direct combat." He turned serious. "I've had enough of his scheming games and manipulations. This ends tonight."

"But—" She squeezed his hand. "It's not safe."

"Wilhelm being out there isn't exactly safe for the entire city, either." He turned around. "All of this began with the two of us. It's only fair to end things with the two of us. And if I don't survive, well, at least I'll rest in peace knowing I saved the city—and more importantly, my friends...and you."

"But I can't lose you again!" Vanessa lashed out.

Jennifer chimed in, "Lukewarm, I know what it feels like to lose someone you love." The colour had drained off her face. "Trust me."

"But, Vanessa, you're the one who wanted to be friends—"

"I'd said the exact same thing when we'd first met." She sighed and took a step toward him. "I'm still in love with you."

"Yeah, well—"

Before he could complete his sentence, she stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek. "Just be careful."

"I will," he murmured, lost in her amber eyes. "I'll try not to die a hero, ma'am."

And then she grabbed his chin and turned it until they were facing each other. "Shut up," she whispered and kissed him passionately.

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