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Ethan counted down, placed his hands on her head, and then snapped her neck. Eden's body went limp and fell against his feet.

He let out a small sigh, kneeling beside her to collect the soul. Inside the small bottle he could see her face before she died, smiling at him, completely trusting.

At least he'd solved his problems.

After making sure to hide her body, Ethan went to visit Dagon.

"I did it," Ethan said, crossing his arms. "I finished everything you asked."

"Where is the soul?" Dagon asked, grinning as Ethan handed it over. "Perfect. I promised Zach and Jaro they could get some time in with her, even though it's not protocol."

"Yeah, whatever."

"You're set to go back and do whatever you wish, Ethan. Just remember not to spend so much time with mortals," his boss warned, waving as he left.

Ethan went to a bar to get a drink, flirting with the bartender for a while. But he found himself bored and... went to see what was happening.

He stayed hidden in the darkness, watching Eden carefully. She'd just woken up, and looked terrified.

Wide eyes as she struggled against her restraints, hair pulled back but strands falling in her face, skin flushed and sweaty from the heat. Her eyes darted around the room suspiciously, locking on his for just a moment. She couldn't know he was there though... right?

Eden cried as Zach and Jaro's laughter filled the room, looking for a source of the sound but not being able to see anything in the dark.

It was slowly getting hotter, until the air was so thick she could barely breathe.

"Hey, princess," Zach laughed, a small bit of light filling the room.

"You?" She whispered, taking in the two familiar demons. "Where the hell is Ethan?"

"Well, in Hell. Just not here with you," Jaro winked, snapping his fingers. As he did so fire creeped up Eden's limbs, making her cry out in pain. "He sold you out."

She didn't want to believe it.

Looking for the red eyes she saw earlier, hoping it was Ethan, she called his name. But the eyes were gone. And so was he.

"Let's play, shall we?" Zach hummed, looking at the long row of tools.

Eden knew what all of them did, and felt herself shiver despite the fire already alight on her body. She couldn't help but scream.

Jaro reached for a pair of pliers, intending to pull out all of her teeth. Zach was more fond of carving her skin.

They stayed for hours, or maybe days, she wasn't sure. They tried every form of torture imaginable, be it physical or psychological. Ethan never came when she called. She knew she'd been fooled.

They could heal her easily, make her teeth grow back in an instant or wounds in her skin seal. Everything they did was excruciating while it happened, and gone a second later as they got ready to try something new.

Deal with the Devil - E.D.Where stories live. Discover now