🌻Chapter 04🌻

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U.A. National College,

Third Person's POV

Toya walked into the campus in awkwardness, his eyes wildly looking for his savior-- Izuku Midoriya around the unfamiliar surrounding. Izuku had left her smartphone so Hari asked him to deliver the phone to her, since all yakuzas were too busy with something.

Realizing that she wasn't among the sea of students, Toya decided to head to the cafeteria area. "Maybe she is there." He whispered reasurringly to himself since he felt insecured and nervous around many people-- He was an indoor person. He never went out of his house too much, only left to do grocery shopping or for important business.

'Damn, why it has to be so crowded now? I feel like dying...' He told himself in anxiety, breathing slightly hitched at this rate. He quickened his pace toward the cafeteria and in brief seconds, he arrived there. He was panting heavily after running all the way here.

'SAFE!' Toya thought in relief. He walked around a bit, looking for the green-haired lady but she was nowhere to be found. Negative thought started flooding his mind.

'Did something happen to her? I need to find Midoriya-san quick!'

With that, Toya rushed out of the cafeteria using the other route. As he walked down the hallway, he heard a familiar woman's voice, crying out in fear.

"No! Don't touch me!"

There is no mistake anymore. Toya recognized that voice very well. And he was certain,

It was Izuku's voice.

Without wasting any more moment, he ran to the location where the voice was. His jaw dropped to the floor when he saw a blonde-haired man pinning Izuku against the wall roughly, attempting to kiss her while Izuku was crying in helplessness.

That is his last straw.

"Let her go, you bastard!!!!" Toya's stern voice boomed, shocking the two student. He stomped off toward Denki and grabbed his shoulder firmly, before yanking him away from Izuku. He hurled the yellow-haired male to the ground without mercy.

Not giving Denki any chance, Toya hovered over his body and started punching his face senselessly. Izuku, who was watching the whole time, gasped in horror. A shy, kind-hearted man just turned into a merciless beast. She could hardly believe her eyes.

Izuku ran to his side and gripped his wrist quickly. "S-Setsuno-san, that is enough! Let's leave this place now!" She told the angry man in panic. Toya regained his sense and stared at the woman for a few seconds. Standing up from Denki, he silently held her hand and ran away from the isolated hallway, leaving the cafeteria hurriedly...


Outside the college,
Somewhere in the city...

Setsuno's POV

Both me and Midoriya-san were panting mess after we ran away from her college without taking a break even for a second. Currently, we were in an alleyway to hide, in case that blondie pervert was looking for us.

"I taught him a tough lesson...so there is no way he will come to look for us. I think we are safe now." I exclaimed between my ragged breathing, still in shock state after what had happened.

I can't believe it... I just punched a PERSON. Not to mention, I almost beat him up to death!

I never get this angry before... No, not even when I'm together with my ex.

I just couldn't control myself just now. When I saw that man, and Midoriya-san crying because of him, I felt like my heart was burning with fury flame. That triggered me to punch and beat him up without mercy...

I turned to look at Midoriya-san and she was hanging her head low, staring at the ground quietly. I noticed her grip on her bag strap tightened all of a sudden.

"Mi... Midoriya-san...?" I called her out in fidgety. Did I do something wrong just now? Or I pulled her hand way too rough while we were running away for our lives?

Soft sobbing broke me out of my train of thoughts. I gssped when I saw tears rolling down her beautiful freckled face. Midoriya-san then wiped off her tears with the sleeve of her top.

"I-I'm sorry..." She managed out between her sorrowful sobbing. Her croaky voice pang my heart with sadness too. "Hey... There is nothing for you to feel sorry about..." I assured her.

"I just got you i-into trouble, S-Setsuno-san... T-that is where I do wrong... I-I'm really sorry..."

Midoriya-san uttered sadly again, throwing all the blames to herself. I clicked on my tongue, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

My ex never cry... She usually gets mad at me only... And it is easy to make up with her. I just have to buy a present for her and she will forgive me, almost immediately.

But I don't think Midoriya-san is that kind of woman.

My ex is a trashy woman with crappy personality. Worse than the trash itself. Lowest of the lowest in this world.

And Midoriya-san is like an angel sent down to earth from the heaven.

An idea popped up in my mind- but I didn't know if this would work out or not. I reached out my hand to Midoriya-san's head and gently patted her, faint blushes tinted my cheeks.

Her hair... Is so soft. Like silk.

I heard Midoriya-san slightly gasped at my action. I then spoke up with soft voice,

"You did nothing wrong, Midoriya-san. It was my decision to help you. Well, you can think of this as a payback for saving me from committing suicide before..."

I closed my eyes and scratched my cheek, smiling awkwardly at Midoriya-san. I didn't know how to comfort her honestly. But I really hope this will cheer her up, even a little bit.

When I opened my eyes back, I was greeted with fat crystal liquid flowing down her face like waterfall. Panic rose in me again.

Did I say somethinhg that upset her?!!!

"S-sorry! I never intend to make you feel bad or anything-"

"T.... Thank you... Setsuno-san...."

A genuine smile that melted my heart spread across her face, a tear flowed down her cheek. She was gazing into my eyes and I gazed into hers. Her eyes were so beautiful that I felt like my heart stopped beating for a moment.

She was stunningly gorgeous.

The prettiest woman I have ever met.

"You are... A really kind man. Thanks again... For saving me, Setsuno-san."

After she uttered that, Midoriya-san got closer to me and hugged me affectionately. I could feel her warmth enveloping my body. I shyly returned the hug.

I never felt such peacefulness before...

This... This is really amazing.


Somehow, her presence really calm my heart..



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