🌻Chapter 09🌻

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A/N - Warning Suggestive chapter!


Little Song Bar,

Third Person's POV

Toya slithered his arm around her slender hips, pulling her closer to his body. Izuku suddenly let a soft moan escaped her lips, startling the blonde-haired male. "To-Toya..." She huffed between the passionate kisses they shared. He gulped down his saliva and broke apart from her.

"Hey... Let's go back to my place..." The adult man whispered into the green-haired woman's ear, his arm tightening the hold around her waist. Izuku just nodded her head in agreement at his suggestion.


Toya's apartment...

As soon as Izuku shut the door behind her, Toya wasted no time and pinned her against the wall roughly. He nestled his leg between her soft thighs, before leaning closer to her face. Without warning, he smashed his lips on hers brutally, hands gripping her wrists above her head firmly.

His slick tongue wrapped her tongue, both sides fighting for dominance desperately. But to Izuku's dismay, Toya won the steamy tongue war. "To-Toya~" She moaned out in arousal, her eyes lidded with anticipation and lust.

Toya licked her bottom lip seductively, biting and then repeating the same treatment. His hands held her waist, making circular motions tantalizingly slowly. He slowly merged his lips with hers again.

Toya then grasped her ankles and locked her legs around his torso, still connecting his lips with hers. He pushed her body against the wall to stabilize their current position.

Breaking apart from Izuku, Toya leaned down to her neck and nipped on her smooth skin. The submissive female began panting heavily, body heating up at every touch he made.

"T-Toya... Ah~"

Izuku moaned his name loudly again when he found her sensitive spot. Toya was still torturing her neck and her collarbone, roughly marking her with dark purple lovebites. It was a proof that Izuku belonged to him, and him only.

The female greenette dug her nails into his scalps, trying to suppress the moans that almost escaped her mouth. The male just ignored the pain he felt, continuing to mark her neck.

After a few moments, Toya stopped his action. He stared at his wonderful work on her neck and collarbone, a proud smirk spread on his face. He then carried her body to his bed and threw her body on the soft mattress.

Toya discarded his top and threw it across the room. He towered over her gorgeous hourglass figure, caging her between his strong arms. "Izuku..." He breathed out her pretty name, his irises gazed deeply into her green ones.
"May I...?"

Izuku nodded her head without hesitation. She was ready to give in herself to Toya. She didn't mind anymore. She was prepared to give away everything to him.

Toya started to take off all of Izuku's clothes, leaving her only in her undergarments. He tucked off his pants, revealing his boxer. He stared at her half-naked body lustfully. "Are... Are you sure you want to be with me, Izu?" He asked, still feeling unsured of this decision.

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