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A few months later,
Toya's apartment...

Midoriya's POV

"Hm... Where should I put this...?" I mumbled to myself as I studied the interior of my new room- my shared bedroom with Toya. We just moved into a much more convenient and spacious apartment together. It wasn't a luxurious apartment but enough for the both of us and we were happy with it.

I placed down the last frame of our photo together on the nightstand, a smile of satisfaction spread on my face. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my waist from behind. "Hey, sweetie, is everything okay?" Toya asked me sweetly. I smiled and nodded my head yes at him as my response.

"Yep! Everything is done!" I answered, cupping his cheek. Toya planted a soft kiss on my cheek, causing me to giggle gleefully.

Me and Toya... Are officially couple.

After the night we spent together, we talked things over and I agreed to confront Dad. Although I didn't feel like seeing him very soon.

But when I met him back, I felt guilty. Dad was a mess. The yakuzas were scared of him because he had been all grumpy and stressed out since I left the house. I felt bad for worsening his feelings and his situation. Kai and Hari were the only ones who could calm him down.

Both me and Dad had a long talk. In the end, we cried. I didn't know how long we cried... My emotions were mixing back then. I hugged him, and told him never once I would hate him... And apologized to Dad for worrying him. I never meant to do that. But we both were emotional  and irrational back then.

And now everything is good between me and my father. He blessed my relationship with Toya which was a good news for me and my new lover.

Well... That wasn't the only story I got.

Denki met me one day, along with his friends... He kneeled down to me and told me he was really sorry for what had happened between us. He regretted his action back then. I thought he was going to ask me to come back to him but instead...

He came to tell Toya to take care of me. I was really surprised to know he had moved on. But I was glad he finally gave up on me. If not, I didn't know what to do anymore...

"Hey babe, have you seen my smartphone? I think I lost it..." Toya whispered into my ear huskily, sending shivers down to my spines. "I-I haven't seen it... Maybe you left it in the living room—"

Before I could finish my sentence, Toya bit my neck. A soft moan escaped my plump lips. "T-Toya... We should not be doing this..." I said, my breathing become ragged at every second ticked. "W-we have not done unpacking yet— Ah!" I moaned loudly when he pushed my body laying on the floor.

Toya hovered over my body before leaning closer to my face. I closed my eyes, ready for his next action. But he suddenly booped my nose and giggled teasingly. "Think dirty, I see? You are such a naughty girl, Izu~" He grinned widely at me.

Blood rushed up to my head at the speed of lighting. I smacked his shoulder lightly, puffing my cheeks like a sulking little girl. "Baby, don't pout. I'm just teasing." Toya pinched my nose playfully and now it was my turn to chuckle.

I got up and threw myself at him. He slithered his arms around my waist, patting my back affectionately. "I love you Izu..." He whispered lovingly into my ear.

I chuckled at his confession.

"Only me? Not 'us'?" I asked, pretending to pout as I rubbed my growing belly slowly. Toya's eyes widened in shock when he heard me and saw my surprising action.

"I-Izu, are you...?" Toya asked shakily, his finger pointing to my belly. I smiled a soft smile and nodded my head. "Yes, Toya.. We are going to be parents."

Ah yes.

I was pregnant with his child.

My period was late by ten days, so I went to pharmacy to buy pregnancy. And the result was positive. I was super happy that I shed tears.

I'm pregnant with my lover's child. nothing can be much happier than this.

Dad and all yakuzas already knew, except for Toya. I wanted to surprise him on the day we moved into our new apartment, which was today.

And my surprise went perfectly well.

Toya held my waist and lifted my body up before spinning around the room. "We are going to be parents!" He displayed to me his toothy grin. I got closes to his face and nuzzled my nose with his. "Yes, sweetie. In the next nine month... We will become parents... We finally can build the family want..." A tear escaped my eyes when I uttered that.

This news was too happy for me not to shed tears. It was meaningful, for both me and him.

Even Dad was happy to know this. He was going to be a grandfather soon...

"Izu... T-thank you for carrying my child... I promise! I promise I will provide a good life for you and our child! I promise to work hard to support our future family!" Toya said with strong determination. I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you too... For giving me another chance to love... For fixing my broken heart. For being there when I need you the most..." I confessed, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You fixed my broken heart too, Izu... You connected those broken pieces back... By coming into my life. Perhaps, if I did kill myself back then... I won't meet you. I'm really glad I met you. I feel so grateful to fate for granting me this chance to fix everything." Toya said while smiling softly at me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his shoulders.

"I love you so much..."

"I love you too, sweetheart..."

We were both betrayed.

Our hearts were broken.

But now we connected the broken pieces back.

With our affection and feelings for each other.

We are not broken anymore.

And we can't be broken.

Because we are unbreakable.

- Unbreakable -
- The End -


A/N- UwU sorry that this end so early. Like I stated, this is a short story. Hope you enjoy this little love story till the end!


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