🌻Chapter 06🌻

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A/N - *see the number of chapter* OOF, we are almost halfway through the ebd- there will be only 15 chapters (at least) for this book. The longest I could make is 20 chapters-

Also, I know I posted pictures of couples or stuffs like that up there. Just imagine them as Toya and Izuku in those photos XD


A few hours later,
Emerald Estate,

Third Person's POV

"Yeah, you are right!" Izuku giggled cheerfully when Toya started telling stories of his childhood, as they walked back home. Toya just sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, his face dusted with faint pink shades. He was a little bit embarrassed after telling his past story.

"Ah, we are here!" Izuku announced brightly, clapping her palms together. Toya turned to the luxurious traditional house called Emerald Estate where Izuku lived. He then shifted his gaze back to the lovely woman, sadness clouded his feature.

Izuku walked forward to enter her house compound, but her dear friend remained motionless. "Setsuno-san, why are not you coming along?" She asked, tilting her head in puzzle.

Toya hung his head low, fiddling with his calloused fingers nervously. "Actually, I want to go back to my apartment today." He sadly informed, feeling guilty for hiding the truth from the kind woman. Izuku let out a gasp of surprise.

"B-but, the gangsters..."

"Your father informed me that they had been taken care of so I do not need to worry anymore."

Toya gave Izuku a small smile. To be honest, he himself did not want to leave this traditional mansion. He wanted to get to know his savior better. But he was awared of his status. He could not keep depending on her.

"I may start working very soon too. If you want to meet me, you can come and visit the cafe." Toya tried to enlighten the mood by suggesting a way for them to meet frequently. Izuku's face brightened up with happiness.

"You are right!" She cheered, chuckling at herself for not thinking of such a simple idea. "Oh yeah, here is my phone number. In case you need anything, you can always give me a call." The greenette held out a thin paper to the male.

Toya gladly took the name card from her hand. The two smiled, gazing into each other's eyes for a while. "Please tell Hisashi-san, I appreciate everything he had done to help me." The blonde man bowed down respectfully.

"I will, Setsuno-san."

"Well then, I will take my leave now. See you again, Midoriya-san." Toya waved a hand before leaving her alone, a smile of satisfaction plastered on his face.

Mdioriya's POV

I just watched Setsuno-san walked away from me in sadness. His figure already disappeared from my sight. I heaved a long sigh of exhaustion and decided to enter my house.

"I'm home–"


A deep voice that sent shivers down to my spines spoke up. I scaredly lifted my head up, and saw father tapping his foot in seriousness.

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