🌻Chapter 08🌻

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At a cafe where Toya worked,

Third Person's POV

Izuku pushed open the door of the cafe, ringing the bell signing the workers that customers had come into the cafe. Shirako immediately went to get Izuku, a friendly smile tugged on her soft lips. "Welcome again, Izuku-san! You are early today!" Shirako greeted Izuku who now had become a close friend of hers. Ever since Izuku started to visit the cafe frequently -- for three months straight -- they became very closed.

Izuku chuckled lightly, scratching her cheek. "I only have morning class today so I'm completely free now." She answered in a happy tone of voice.

"Ah, I see~ Well, the usual?" Shirako asked, referring to her order. "Yeah! Give me the usual please!" Izuku agreed energetically before heading to an unoccupied booth located in the very corner of the cafe, while Shirako went to the kitchen to inform her customer's order, caramel latte.

The greenette scrolled through her social media as she was waiting for her order to arrive. But there was nothing interesting. Her eyes stared out of the shiny glass window, green gaze fixed on the many couples walking at the streets. Holding hands, hugging, kissing. All these romantic, sweet actions made her heart clenched tightly.

'I want to feel it again... That feeling... Of love. I wanted to be loved.' Her palm clenched into firm fist, scrunching up her skirt. Ever since the big fight with Hisashi, Izuku hadn't returned home, at all. And Hisashi, didn't even bother to take her back.

"Midoriya-san, here is your caramel latte." A man's voice snapped the woman back into reality. She turned around, only to see Toya standing before him, carrying a tray with a cup of caramel latte on it.

"Set-Setsuno-san." Nervousness suddenly attacked her. Izuku could feel her cheeks warming up upon seeing Toya. The blonde male just chuckled and placed the cup on her table. He turned to his coworker and they gave him a thumb-up. He nodded, before pulling a chair to sit in front of the green-haired lady.

Izuku tilted her head, confused by his action. "Aren't you working right now?" She asked curiously. "Yeah, but I'm on break." Toya answered trutfully, rubbing the back of his head. There was a heavy silence between them following several moments.

"Say, Midoriya-san..." Toya started, causing Izuku to gulp down her saliva. "Did something happen at your home?" His question caught her off guard. She stared at him disbelief, puzzled on how in the world did he figure out her problem.

Seeing her reaction, Toya began panicking. "I-It is fine if you don't want to tell me. I might sound like a creepy stalker just now—"

But seconds later, he fell into deep silence. Words could not describe how stupefied he was to see crystal liquid rolling down her soft cheeks. "Mi-Midoriya-san?" He called her out in concern.

"Don't call me Midoriya a-anymore..." Izuku begged, hanging her head low. Her heart hurt so much. SShe couldn't bear the pain inside anymore. She needed to release it. And Toya was the only one she could tell.

The male didn't know how to comfort the female. He just reached out his hand to her hand, holding it gently. Feeling his gentle touch, she looked up to him with teary eyes. "You can tell me everything. I'm here for you... Izuku." His cheeks heated up after uttering her first name. He held her hand much gentler, telling her he was here for her, always.


"You... You can call me Toya if you want..."

Toya shyly said, faint pink shades tinted his face. Izuku eventually tugged a small smile. "Thank you, Toya..." A tear rolled down her face. She could sense his warmth enveloping her hand.

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