4~ if one persons not happy. Aint nobody happy

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I woke up on top of my bed spread in the early morning. half of my body aches. I sit up up and start to yell.
"MOMMA!" I got up and walked down the hall. Nobody was there.
I raised my voice even higher.
She was passed out with her arms and head spread on the table.
I wasn't going to wake her so I made my own breakfast, got on my backpack, and head to school.
At lunch it was the same deal.
I sat with the group and listened to all their (all about boys) gossip girl stories.
But luckily after school Claire was coming over.
Later on when she was here I dressed up in a red silk wavy dress with a brown belt around the middle.
Also it had a light pink flower on it.
And the final touch; the boots with two outlined pink flowers again.
Claire put on a black and white striped shirt and a jean tank top.
She put her blonde hair in 2 side ponytails. And a light pink skirt with regular boots.
We were ready to go out to the long steak horns.
When we got there momma sat in 1 booth and we sat in our own.
When the waiter came he acted so grumpy.
"What do you think is his problem?" Claire asked.
"I guess he's just one of those people."
"What kind of people?"
"If one persons not happy,
Ain't nobody happy."
"Oh right." She laughed.
"Howdy young ladies!" A voice said coming closer.
A boy with shagged brown hair grabbed my hand. I stared up at him.
What is he doing.
"My oh my are you a pretty girl.
What is your name?"
"My name is dena."
"Wow even a pretty a pretty name."
He sat down next to me and stared at me.
"My name is Travis and I'm 19
How old might you boy."
"I'm 16"
I have to admit I was weirded out buy him.
"Goodness girl. Your to young! But maybe we could work something out."
He wrapped his arm around my waste like I was his girlfriend.
But that was so not going to happen!
I pushed his arm away fast and just looked at the wall on the other side of me.
"Girl I don't think your aware of how amazing and beautiful you are so just let me show you with a kiss."
I snapped back around at him.
Claire got up.
"Come on dena, let's head to the bathroom righty quick.
Excuse us Travis."
We walked right in front of the bathrooms and stopped.
"Who in the world does he think he is!" Claire said.
"I know! He tried to kiss me and he don't even know me!!!"
"Well, what are we going to do about him?"
"There is nothin we can do but sneak to momma and go home."
"Sounds good as long as were getting away from him!"
We sneaked around the corner, got momma, and headed home.

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