Part 3 I missed you

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It's been a week Steve still hasn't found Natasha but he is searching.She is a spy she knows how to hide.Untill a night Steve was going to the super market to get some groceries when he saw some hydra cars on the little forest and a woman fighting them.She was trying she was hurt she had bruises all over her face and body.He run after her but before he could reach her she was gone it was Natasha his Natasha he got the chance to find her and he lost her again.Thats what she always do run run away from her problems.Steve walked home so angry with himself so disappointed.

"Hey where are the groceries?"Sam asked
"Order pizza"he said
"On it"Sam said calling a pizza place
"Hey Steve is everything okay?"Bucky asked
"I saw her she was near"he said
"Natalia" Bucky whisperers to himself
"What did you say?"he asked
"Don't worry she knows how to protect herself I am pretty sure about that"Bucky said rubbing his back giving him comfort

Days passed
It was night everyone fell asleep well more specific everyone except Steve he was trying but couldn't.He made his way to the kitchen for some water but then heard a light knocked at the door.

"Steve"she said with a broken voice before she faint.
"Natasha?"he said shocked and happy

He catched  her before she fall she was broken hurt had bruises.He picked her up brital style caring her to his bed.He sat on a chair near the bed in case if she wakes up or need anything.He was so worrying about her and why is hydra after her what do they want?But then he was out of his thought.

"Steve"she whispered
"I am here"he said
"Steve I am sorry"she said
"Nat I need to say that I-"he said but she cut him
"I couldn't run anymore I can't I will leave as soon as possible I promise"she said
"No Natasha you are not leaving again I am not gonna let you run again I missed you I can't loose you again"he said
"Missed me huh?"she said in a teasing tone
"Do you wanna change?Do you have pajamas with you?"he asked
"No I don't can I borrow your shirt?"she said
"Of course"he said the though that she was going to wear one of his shirt made him crazy it will smell like her after.
"Is this your bed?"she asked
"Yes don't worry I will sleep at the couch"he said
"No no please sleep with me if you don't have a problem"she said

He smiled and layed besides her.

"May I?"he asked if he could hug her the gentleman he was.

She nobbed and layed her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat made her calm.Her hand on his stomach hugging him.His one hand on her waist holding her tight like she is gonna disappear the other on her hair both their legs cuddling.He smiled at himself.

"Goodnight Nat"He said before falling asleep.

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Next chapter soon....

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