Part 8 getting closer to you

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Natasha and Steve has been secretly dated for more than 2 weeks.Sam was suspicious mostly cause he heard voices on their room.He told Bucky but he didn't want to believe it.
It was morning Steve's phone started ringing he woke up and the first thing he saw was Natasha naked with the sheets covering her body and her bare back in front of him.He could feel her warm body under the sheets he smiled to himself how did he got so lucky this woman is so perfect in every way.He picked up the phone before it could wake up Natasha.
"Hey cap you there?"
"Yes wait Tony?"Steve asked shock
"Yes the one and only I want you to come to the facility now"Tony said
"I am on my way"Steve said smiling

Steve was so surprise by Tony's phone call he now had the chance to apologized to him and maybe they can be friends again oh how must he missed all of them.
Natasha opened her eyes slowly to meet his to seeing the smile on Steve's face made her smile back.

"Who was it?"she asked
"It was Tony I will go there talk to him"He said smiled kissing her shoulders

Natasha smiled more she missed Tony oh how much she wanted everything to go back then.

"You are going now?"she asked
"Yes sleep baby I will be back soon"he said

Steve entered the tower and was greeted by the one and only Tony Stark.
"Hey capsicle"Tony yelled
Tony and Steve discuss the things apologized to each other they had their fights but all of them were like a family.They missed the avengers they wanted to happen this again.

Meanwhile Natasha was in the kitchen with Bucky trying to cook.

"How do you do that?"she asked laughing
"Well you need practice"He said smiling
"Oh come on I can't cook"She said laughing again
"I can teach you if you want"Bucky said
"Well free lesson from a good cooker I don't see why not" she said with a smirk

He smiled and stared at her.

"What is it?"she asked
"Nothing I was just thinking w-"he said smiling but something cut him the door opened
"Omg Steve what happened what did he said"she said running to him
"Pack your stuff we are going home"Steve said smiling and laughed seeing Bucky in a mess in the kitchen

They ate the perfect dinner that Bucky and Natasha made and packed their things.

"Steve I am ready I am gonna see if the boys need something"She said
"Okay I am finishing in a bit"Steve said

Natasha knocked at Bucky's door and opened it he was shirtless and she bite her lip.

"See something you like?"he said laughing putting his shirt on
"Jerk I just came to see if you need any help"she said with a smirk
"I actually need I can't close the suitcase"he said looking at her
"Oh I see how it is supposed to be close when your suitcase is in a mess"she asked laughing
"Well"He Said awkward
"Let me help you"she said smiling

He approached her and helped her.

"Thank you Natasha"Bucky said trying to stay as close as he could feel her warm breath and bruising her body with his

"Guys you ready let's go"Steve yelled
"Coming"Natasha yelled back so he could hear her.
"Come Bucky"she said smiling as he followed her.

Bucky is coming closer with Nat?
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