White Lie (Sam Kiszka)

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You laid in bed, staring at the text message for the hundredth time that day. "Mix up at the airport - have to take a later flight. Won't be home until the end of the week." That was all your boyfriend Sam had managed to write.

You haven't seen Sam in over three months. The guys left for tour at the end of August, and after a two-month run in the states, they immediately flew to Europe. You will admit you were a bit concerned when you heard about their tour schedule. You've never been away from Sam for that long before.

Just then your phone buzzed in your hand, and part of you was hoping it was your boyfriend. Instead, it was a text from Ronnie, Sam's sister.

"I heard about the mix-up at the airport, and I know how upset you must be. You need to distract yourself. Why don't you hang out with Mackenzi and Me tonight? We have tickets for the Red Wings game. You should come."

You thought about it for a minute. You didn't really feel up to anything, but you knew getting out would be better than spending your Saturday night alone.

"Sure. It beats sitting alone on a Saturday night thinking about Sam." You typed.

Almost instantly, you got a response. "Sounds great. Be read by five. We'll swing by and pick you up."

You laughed to yourself as you read her message. She was almost as excited about hockey as Sam, no wonder they're related. Looking at the time on your phone you saw it was just after three. You decided to start getting ready now as to not rush.

Eventually, it was five, and you could hear Ronnie honking in your driveway. She might like hockey like Sam, but that girl is just as impatient as Josh.

"Calm yourself, Ronnie. I'm coming." You yelled to her as you locked your front door.

"Well hurry up, it's an hour and a half drive to the arena." She yelled back.

You carefully made your way to the car, trying not to slip on the early November snow. Even though you were only outside for a few minutes, the warmth of the car was a relief. The car ride was quiet for the first twenty minutes or so, except for the music coming from the radio.

"What made you decide to go to a Red Wings game tonight?" You asked, breaking the silence.

"It was a last-minute decision. I haven't been to a hockey game in forever, and I managed to convince this one to go with me." She pointed at Mackenzi in the passenger seat as she spoke.

"You know the first date Sam took me on was a Red Wings game." You spoke as you stared out the window, watching the snow and headlights on the highway.

"Ugh Y/N," Ronnie groaned. You need to stop thinking about him. I know you miss him, but he'll be back in what five or six days."

"Six." You corrected her. "And I'm sorry. I know you must be missing Danny too Mackenzi."

"Yeah I was upset when I first got the news, but at least it's only a few days and not another month." She responded.

The rest of the drive consisted of Ronnie playing random songs for the three of you to sing along to. Eventually, you pulled into the arena lot and parked. You wrapped your jacket tightly around yourself, the November air cutting right through it. The line to scan tickets was long, and you cursed every woman with a bag that required a look through. After what felt like forever, the three of you were inside.

"Our seats are in section 102. I think that's down this way." Ronnie pointed as you and Mackenzi followed behind her.

Finding your seats wasn't hard; it's navigating through the crowd you found difficult. Once you got to your section, you made your way down the steps to your row.

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