I Hate You, I Love You (Danny Wagner)

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"Okay, we just need a few more things and then we're done." You spoke to the pigtailed toddler sitting in the shopping cart in front of you. You turned the corner in search of juice but what you found nearly took your breath away.

At the other end of the aisle was Danny. He was holding a small basket in his right hand and the other one was intertwined with a girl's. You wanted to turn around and run as far away as possible but for some reason you couldn't take your eyes off him. For the most part he looked the same as the last time you saw him, over two years ago.

Suddenly a loud cry erupted from your daughter as her pacifier fell out of her mouth. Thankfully, you had it clipped to her shirt, so it didn't hit the floor. sighing you put the pacifier back in her mouth. You then noticed Danny look over before he began making his way towards you. You pretended to look for something on the shelves in front of you, hoping he would walk past you. But you knew that wouldn't happen.

"Y/N?" Danny asked hesitantly.

You turned around and came face to face with those brown eyes you missed so much. "Hi Danny." You answered.

"How long has it been? Two years?" He chuckled.

"A little over." You might have been talking to Danny, but you couldn't help but stare at who you assumed was his new girlfriend. She was beautiful. Far more beautiful then you'll ever be.

"Oh, I'm being Rude. Y/N, this is Mackenzi. My girlfriend. Mackenzi this is Y/N. We went to high school together." Danny introduced the two of you.

Even though you already assumed she was his girlfriend it still hurt to hear him say it out loud. But what hurt worse was the way he introduced you. You weren't his ex-girlfriend or the girl that he grew up next door to. You were just some girl from his high school.

"I didn't know you had a child?" Danny questioned. The sound of his voice pulled you back to reality.

"Oh yeah." You hesitated. "Her name's Y/D/N."

"She's adorable." Mackenzi commented.

Just then your daughter began fussing. You pulled out your phone and looked at the time. It was well past her nap time.

"I don't mean to be rude, but it's passed Y/D/N's nap time. I need to get going so I can get her asleep." You interjected.

"No, it's okay." Danny reassured. "It was nice seeing you Y/N."

"Yes, it was nice meeting you." Mackenzi waved as her and Danny turned the corner still holding hands.

Once they were both out of sight you made your way to the checkout. You didn't even bother to see if you had everything on your list. All you knew was that you needed to get out of there.

It was a while later. You had just put your daughter to bed for the night and you settled on the couch of your small apartment. You were taking in the events of today when your phone began ringing. Glancing down you didn't recognize the number. You were about to hit decline, but something made you hit accept instead.

"Hello?" You said almost as a question.

"Y/N, we need to talk." You recognized the voice on the other end as Danny.

"Danny? How did you get my number?" You asked.

"Sam." He responded, and you made a mental note to yell at him later. "But we need to talk" He repeated.

"No, we do not." You huffed.

"You know it's true. We can't keep avoiding each other like this. We live in the same town. We have the same friends. We need to talk about what happened." It was silent for a moment. "Can I come over?" He questioned.

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