when a father leaves his daughter
it leaves an emotional stain on her heart
it marks where he once said "i don't need you anymore."
sure, he didn't say it directly to her face
but leaving without warning is enough said
when a father leaves his daughter
it tricks her brain into thinking love is no such thing
that love is completely, utterly fictitious
her heart sinks into her stomach with sorrow
"why can't i be loved?" the heart mutters.
when a father leaves his daughter
she most likely
will never
a man
every man in her life who says he shall love her with his entire heart and soul,
will appreciate her and spoil her like the princess he sees her as,
and promises her that he will always stay until the ends of time
she won't believe
she'll have trouble trusting that man
she'll have trouble trusting anyone for that matter
is just another word
there is no such thing as trust
"i trusted my father to never leave
to always be here
so where is he now?
is he here now?
is fake."
when a father leaves his daughter
the daughter feels alone
completely alone in the world
even though millions of fathers have left their children
and millions of children can understand the sorrow
she still feel as if no one would understand
"no one would undestand the pain of an innocent 2 year old child
a child who was
& forgotten."
the pain of it all lingers on, and she'll carry that pain with her for years and years
when a father leaves his daughter
she ponders
she contemplates
she analyzes
she over-thinks
"what did i do wrong?"
"what can i fix?"
"how can i get him back?"
"should i change?"
"was it my fault".....
"it's my fault,
its all my fault.
he left...
because of me."
she comes to conclusion
to a false conclusion
"it's my fault"
don't leave your daughters
stay with your daughter
protect her
love her
show her true happiness
show her that you care
because when a father walks away with choice
it makes her feel worthless
and you can trust me on that
f o r a n y o n e h u r t i n g | p o e m s
Puisijust shitty poems that i've written while i was bored asf