Who We Are

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Y/N's Pov

Alright, to be honest, I don't know which is worst! The Crystal Gems having amnesia or an injector that could (which probably is) be destroying Earth right now?!? Maybe the injector because it so happens that Spinel doesn't remember. Why they can't remember? Well, I'm not sure why. It started when they got poofed by Spinel's Scythe. Maybe that has something to do with it.

All of us walked outside to see an injector where it's left on the hill behind the temple. Spinel, standing next to me, said sounding surprised, "Wow, that thing sure is big!" She turned to me while bouncing up and down and asks me if I want to climb it or something. But, Steven quickly interrupts before I can answer with,"Wait, wait. Are you serious right now? What about that stuff you said how I stand against your injector?" " I said what now?," She answered confused while making her arm swirl in a loop and scratched the top of her head. I looked at Steven to tell him," Face it man. She can't remember just like the other gems. She's pretty much harmless now." We both look where Spinel should be isn't their. Out of nowhere, I get a bear hug from behind while startled me a bit. I calm down after hearing giggling knowing that it was just her. "I think I made my point," I said giggling at what she just did to me. Steven sighs and said," Ok fine. But, none of this makes any sense at all." Lion joins with us from who know where. Steven asks Lion if he can makes any sense. He just roars in response, probably his way of saying that he has no clue. Steven says to Lion," Aww, you're no help either." He brings out the scythe from earlier and says," At least I can store this in your mane" He attempts to do what he just said but fails with the weapon dropping on the ground. " I can't store in Lion's mane now?!? That's like the easiest thing I do!!!," Steven says in pure shock and disappointment.

He pick up the weapon, look at the injector and said," What do I do? I got no friends to help me except.." I look at Little Homeworld and finish for Steven," Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot." " That's a great idea, Y/N! Come on guys! Let's go figure out how to fix this," he said excitedly, starting to run to Little Homeworld with me and Spinel following him. We all stopped and Steven looks behind him to see that the gems are not following us at all. He looks at them confused say," Um guy?" " My Um Greg, allow me," Pearl says bringing out an umbrella over Greg. Amethyst shape-shifts to Him, confusing Pearl with her trying to putting the umbrella over both of them at the same time. Steven looks at Ruby and Sapphire while Spinel is looking over my shoulder. He says to them," Ruby? Sapphire?" . Ruby puts her arms out over Sapphire protectively saying," She's not going anywhere with you." " I do see us following them to the country side," Sapphire tells her coming to us. " Never mind. We're going," she corrected herself following Sapphire. Greg asks us to not leave him with Pearl and Amethyst. Steven asks his dad to keep and eye of them and he will be back. He hurry over to our destination. I was behind him with Spinel holding onto my arm.

At Little Homeworld

Peri uses her binoculars to see where the injector is at. " SHE RODE IN ON THAT?!?!?", she yelled looking shocked. Steven answered calmly to her," Yeah. She said that my human half wouldn't stand a chance against her injector." Lapis asked him," What does that mean?" " Why don't we just ask her," Peridot asked him. I try to explain to her," Well, that can be a-" I stop talking in mid-sentence and look over me shoulder to see no one is there. It happen again on my other shoulder. Is she trying to surprise me again? She jump to my right side surprising me holding my arm shouting,"SURPRISE!" She giggles after that action. I giggled and said to Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot," Guys. Meet my best friend, Spinel." " A pleasure to meet you all", she bows to them gracefully holding my hand with her own. Bismuth questioned that she thought Steven said that Spinel was trying to him. Lapis says in surprise," Wow, quick turn around." " No kidding. It took me month to stop trying to kill Steven," added Peridot. Bismuth said that it took her a day and a half. Lapis says that she still on a fence. All three of them laughed afterwords.

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