trouble chapter 17

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Kayla's POV

"Well well well what do we have here?" Kendall asks

"What the hell do you want with me? Let me go!" I demand

"Nope" he says smiling

"Why? I'm a vampire idiot i can't become a werewolf" i say annoyed

"On the contrary you can because you have both werewolf&vampire blood in you" he says smiling

"I can just bite you and you become a vampire" i snap

"Not how it works honey" he says smiling

{Your probably confused on how i got here let's rewind shall we?}

《8 hours earlier》

"Kayla are you sure you'll be okay?" Gabi asks

"Yes gabi I'm just going to the store and back" i say

"Okay beacreful please" she says

I smile and leave i decide to walk since it's such a beautiful October day i look around and see the leaves starting to change colors wow this is so fascinating as I'm walking i feel like I'm being followed i turn around no one

"Hello?" I ask

No answer

"Somebody there?" I ask

"Hello kayla ross or should i say kayla taylor" ??


He laughs "ah relax and come with me" he says smiling

"No kendall i won't" i snap

"Well i tried" he says dig a nail into my arm i instantly pass out he catches me before i fall and that's all i remember

Gabi's POV

It's been 2 hours since kayla went to the store I'm arrived something has happened

"Guys?" I ask

"Hmm?" They ask

"Kayla has been gone for 2 hours" i say

"She's fine I'm sure of it" niki says smiling

"I'm not so sure call it a sixth sense but i think she's in danger" i say

Kayla's POV

I woke up in what looks like an abandon wearhouse

"Where am i?" I ask

"She's a wake boss" ??

"Okay shut up fool" kendall snaps

"YOU SCUMBAG!" i scream

He chuckles "ooo so fiesty i like em fiesty" he says smiling

I spit in his face he laughs and wipes his cheek "mmmm lovely darling I'm not gonna hit you i don't hit females"

"Wow so comforting" i say sarcastically

He chuckles "soon elliot will come looking for you and I'm waiting on it so i can kill him" he says laughing and hold a needle with a bluish green substance in it

"LET HER GO NOW!" elliot screams

"Yay! The party can start" kendall says smiling


"No can do" kendall says wickedly

"Fight me 1 on 1 for her freedom?" Elliot asks

Kendall laughs and throws the needle on the floor "fine just means you'll die slower" he says tackling elliot

"Gabi?" I ask

"Ssshhhh" she says untieing me

I nod and I'm free i pick up the needle "looks like the tables have turned asshat" i say smiling

Kendall gets up and lunges at me missing me i jump on his back and stap the needle in his back to his heart "DAMN IT! THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO!" he screams

"DIE ASSHOLE!" i scream

His eyes close and reid finishes him off by eating him

"Baby that was amazing!" Elliot beams

"Couldn't have done it without gabi" i say smiling

She smiles "i knew something was up when you've been gone for over 2 hours" she says

I smile "let's get out of here" i say smiling

We head home and get to sleep that incident wore us out

A/N: hope you enjoyed! See you soon!

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