Stage Lights and Stone (2/2)

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December 4, 1971, 8:15 PM GMT

The crowd roared as I stumbled my way across the stage, it seemed like the biggest crowd I'd ever performed for. Although excitement radiated off them, I was completely numb to feeling it- just the way it was meant to be. As the bright stage lights danced across the crowd, I often caught myself only physically there. Hopefully they wouldn't notice.

It felt good to be back in such a good, weightless state; an unbreakable smile formed on my face. "Have a good night- everybody!" Pausing for a moment, a fit of laughter came over me, "You know what's funny? This- this is my last concert before my twenty-seventh birthday!"

As the crowd cheered and bright colors clouded my vision, a sense of carelessness come over me... "And you know what- I don't even care if I die anymore! Hell, I don't care if I-" Then suddenly- strong... strong and stone-like arms wrapped around me- making it impossible to say anymore. And then it was dark.

December 4, 1971, 11 PM GMT

What- my lungs hurt. Everything ached. As I sat up... from the floor? My dressing room.... That's where I was. The dimly lit space was completely silent; the only sound being my own, labored-breathing. Once again, an odd sense of calmness blocked all my worry, as if this were the eye of a storm- a moment of peace before disaster.

Taking a deep breath, a sigh escaped my lips.

11 PM.

Just one hour- until I'd officially be twenty-seven- one final hour of safety. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, they flickered over to the mirror, where something was written... in red.

Focus, David. Focus. The letters blurred together as my eyes crossed, desperately trying to resolve the message. "You're.... Left- 27?" What in the actual-

And then it was clear.... "You're next, 27."

My heart accelerated- No- No- No! Frantically standing, I could feel blood- warm, hot, and sticky blood- rushing down my back.

Suddenly- A shrill scream filled the air. Then there was silence. Silence. Silence. There's someone else here... Somebody else was in there with me... breathing.

The floor shook with a mighty force, causing each of my steps to be labored as I weakly approached the door. I've got to open it... then I'll be safe! Yes, yes. I'll be safe then.

The dim light that peeked in just below the entryway, blurred as my eyes crossed with each step. The smooth surface of the door was empty; there was no knob or handle to be found- just the slick, barren surface of another closed off entrance. The breathing quickened and increased in volume, as if the other person in the room- was right against my ear. "HELP! HELP ME!"

Sandpaper like air burned against my throat as I called out, I've got to escape... I've got to escape before it's too late. My head whipped around as soft moonlight caught my eye, Yes- I could go through the window!

Slightly open, the translucent window called for me... begging for all of my attention in such a dire moment. As its smooth glass glimmered in the darkness, a shiver of anticipation rolled down my spine- I could escape... and all it would take was one jump to freedom- just one jump.

The smooth window frame was difficult to grip, as if it were a warning against further action. But I didn't care. All I wanted... all I needed... was to get out- to escape. Pounding in my chest, my heart jumped out of my body- pulling the final thread of sanity from my state of mind.

The anonymous breathing got louder- and louder. "STOP! STOP IT!" I can't die- not while I'm this close to freedom- I can't- I can't! As I Frantically pried at the edge of the window frame, it finally gave; forcing a deep breath from my lungs as the frigid air rushed into the dressing room.

My hands trembled as the clock struck midnight- this was the last step to freedom. Carefully following my last step, a terrified scream echoed through my mind.

"Welcome to the 27 club."

And then it was dark.

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