ANON-A-MISS: Autumn Blaze

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You know the new girl Autumn Blaze? Well, word has it that she has a pretty funny trigger word: NIRIK

Autumn was walking down the halls with Seth during their free block, deciding who they were going to ask to house-sit for them while they were in Moscow, when


"Excuse me?" she said through gritted teeth, turning around to find the biggest jock at CHS, Touchdown and a friend of his, along with a small crowd gathering to see the scene unfold.

"You heard me you cute, little, weak, bitchy Nirik!"

Normally, she was mellow, happy, and gave out some of the best vibes of anyone at CHS, Rainbooms included, but now she was just pissed. A 275-pound jock was harassing the crap outta her, a 100-pound Kirin girl.

"Aww, wittwe Niwik baby mad?" he said, prodding as her expression darkened somewhat.

Seth put his arm around her, sending a secret message.

Wait a while and see where this goes. It'll be a whole lot funnier then.

She pretended to be sad and insecure, crying. All those months of acting were gonna pay off sooner than she thought.

"Now," he said, "You, me, your place, 4:00," he looked to Seth, "You gotta problem with that, bub?"

"No. I'm actually scared to have a problem with it."


Scared to have a problem with you getting thrashed by a petite girl that you outweigh by three times, yeah. You ain't seen crazy.

"Told ya I'd get 'er, Pigskin," he said as his other jock friend left with him.

"Tear 'er open!"

A few minutes later, and the façade was gone.

"You set up the webcams in my room if you wanna see the end of this guy."

At that, they shared a high-five and went to the library to brainstorm the... creativity.


Seth was on the couch, screwing with his laptop in Microsoft Word Mobile (actually just pretending to with Seven Saviors from FimFiction copy-pasted to look like he was writing a paper) with the TV remote ready to switch to the cameras and a large mocha and box of Red Bulls when he heard banging on the door.

"It's unlocked," he said, knowing good-and-well who it was.

"Where is she?" Touchdown said, throwing the door open.

"Her bedroom. The one with leaves."

Slamming the door, he went to Autumn's room, where he found it completely dark.

"Get on the bed," she said as if she were still sad and insecure from under her desk, "I'll be ready in a minute."

"AW RIGHT!" he said, slamming Autumn's door, too.

"And now," Seth said, closing his laptop, turning the TV on, setting it to record, then sliding the laptop under the couch, "Better-than-cable," he had a devilish smile on his face.

The webcams were night-vision, which only made it easier for the trap to be recorded.

When she came out from under the desk, she was the color of asphalt, had fangs, and demonic eyes that glowed. This was Seth's cue to lock Autumn's door so Touchdown couldn't get out

"I'm ready," she said, a small, demonic touch to her voice.


Seth watched as Autumn bore her fangs into his arm, then began other acts that were borderline-torture.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!"


Touchdown's screaming and beating on the walls was enough to incite their next-door neighbor, Lightning Dust, to come check on things.

"I heard screaming and-" she said, running in, only to be interrupted by Seth holding a hand up toward her direction, drinking his mocha, "Is that Touchdown?" he pointed to the TV, "Mind if I watch?" he patted the seat on the couch next to him, turning up the volume and kicking his feet up on the coffee table as she closed the door and took the seat.

"Are we bad people for enjoying this?" Seth said, handing her a can of Red Bull.

"I don't know, but- Ho-ly CRAP! Are those MATCHES on that glove?"

"Good news: I'm gonna touch you in your special part, juusst like you wanted," Autumn said, swiping her left hand quickly over his torso, then holding true to her promise, causing him to scream in agony. He couldn't do anything, though; Autumn was, on a scale of one-to-ten, a fifty at tying knots.


"Can't say he didn't have it coming. He's almost 300 pounds of muscle. I know because he keeps bragging about it."

"And we're watching him be completely pulverized by my cousin who weighs a third of that."

"Whatcha gonna do with this?"

"Blackmail. I've heard he does this hundreds of times a day on some occasions."

"That's an understatement."

"How's about a kiss, hotstuff?"


Both hands went on his face as she bit down on his lip, tearing a part of it off, "I was hoping for the inside of your mouth," she said, smothering a small flame as she found the opportunity, "I love this."

"Should we call 911?" Lightning Dust said.

"It shouldn't be too much longer until she's finished. We don't call each other's fights unless they're not worth it."

A few minutes later, she was back to the kindhearted Autumn Blaze that everyone had grown to know over the past two months.

"I'm finished, now," she said, a barely-conscious jock tied up on her bed.

"Cut him loose, I'll unlock the door."

Seth stopped the recording and shut the TV off, then went and unlocked the door, finding an innocent-looking Autumn standing there, "I think he hurt himself during... it."

Lightning and Seth both looked around her and played Autumn's game of innocence.

"What in hell did you do in there?"

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be."

"I'll call an ambulance," Lightning said, getting out her phone and calling 911.

The Next Day

As the cousins went down the halls of CHS, a few people had questions.

"What happened to Touchdown?" Sunset said, worriedly standing next to the Rainbooms.

"He hurt himself a little," the six girls winced, "It happens with every guy I come home with," they ran backwards into the lockers, "I'm still not sure why, though."

Sunset, Fluttershy, and Rarity passed out, Rainbow and Applejack were frozen with shock, and Pinkie... just wasn't Pinkie.

"Maybe he'll be better by mid-January. If you're practicing after school, mind if we stay and watch?"

The three girls that were still awake each got one of the unconscious ones and ran off.

"That was a bit much," Seth said.

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