ANON-A-MISS: Birdronie

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Speedy had taken to watching all of the work being done on Seth's computer remotely from Moscow, which gave him the idea for a bet after the windows all closed.

He just needed a few things, so he called Russia, again.


"I take it you found who Anon-a-miss is?"

"Yeah, but none of us really give a shit at this point."

"If they're doing it from a laptop now, would it be okay if we recorded it?"

"Do what you want, but if it pisses Autumn off, I feel sorry for both of you. Have at anything in the house, though. All the good stuff should be in the basement, still boxed up."

Going to the basement and rummaging through the first box, "Really?"

"Really what?"

"You have a bird-shaped drone."

"I was wondering where Birdronie was. But like I said, anyone can do what they want with it. It's Novvy God, and I wanna enjoy it here, and don't really give a shit about that anymore."

"Okay, thanks, bye!"

Rummaging through the box some more, he found what looked like large Hotwheels cars, so he took a few, went back upstairs, and dug a laptop out from one of the kitchen drawers.

"Zecora, do you do bets?"

"I am up for a good challenge or two. What are the wagers if I do?"

"We give video footage to the Rainbooms and see if they believe Sunset. If they don't, you win, twenty bucks and I have to eat a Carolina Reaper dipped in Ghost Pepper Sauce. They do believe the video, I win, you give me twenty bucks and take your shirt off."

I will kill you if it ends like that.

"I'll do it, but you won't see my, as you call it, tits."

"Good," he said, holding up the drone, "Now I've gotta find a way to make this bird take one helluva shit."

After a good hour of setting up crap, they set Birdronie in the driveway, connected it and the car to the Internet, and set the thing off on its maiden voyage.

"I fly the drone, you get the car," Speedy said as they went inside and set the rather cheaply-built, cobbled-together laptop to charge.

A few minutes later, and the drone was over several bales of hay that was next to Applebloom's window.

"Dropping..." Speedy said, letting the camera fall to the hay, just past the window, "Perching on the roof... done! Your go, Zecora."

Swapping the laptop to control the car, she drove it into the bedroom through the full-height window, and found all of the CMCs in the room, pondering over a laptop screen which, upon zooming in, was the malicious account.

Record... Hopefully someone puts on a shelf.

"Y'all, we're almost at shit creek!" Applebloom said, scared that it ended up at Seth and Autumn's house.

"What do you mean 'almost'?" Scootaloo asked, earning more disturbed glances from everyone else, "You heard what she did to the quarterback! He wanted sex and was sent to the hospital! I think she set him on fire! One guy even said she ate his tongue and gouged out an eye!"

Now they were scared.

"Someone said he may not be a 'he' anymore after he gets out," Sweetie Belle added.

As Sweetie Belle put the inconspicuous car on a shelf without a second thought, the pair controlling the drone and car were laughing their asses off.

"She... she turned a 300-pound jock into a WOMAN!?" Speedy asked, bending over because he was laughing so hard, "Zecora, Seth's lucky!"

Zecora was too caught up in her own laugh attack to figure out what he was saying, let alone rhyme.

"I don't want to leave in May, now!"

After the CMCs closed their laptop and left the room, Zecora drove the car onto the haybale, then Speedy took the drone, grabbed the car, and flew it back to the house and uploaded the footage to the laptop.

"I think Rainbow lives on this street," Speedy said when he landed the drone back in the driveway, "Can you go get her? I need to put this junk away."

Zecora broke down laughing as she went to find Rainbow Dash. A few minutes later, she came back with all five Rainbooms and showed them the video.

"I hope it's not too hard to believe," Speedy said, loading the video.

After seeing the video, it looked like Zecora would win, but...

"Now I know who I'm pissed at!" Rainbow said, storming out.

"Sweetie Belle will get more than just a slap on the wrist for this one."

"An' Applebloom's in fer a mighty good whoopin' once Ma, Pa, an' Granny finds out about this one!"

"You know, you can keep the $20. I don't need that part."

When the Rainbooms left, Zecora sarted to lift her shirt with one hand (or so it looked), then backhanded Speedy as hard as she could.

"Ouch! I didn't deserve that!"

"And you deserve this, too!" she said, sending a fist between his knees, "You've gotten farther away than any man has on a first date," she said, walking and slamming the shoddy laptop closed, before turning back to him, "You don't deserve this, either," she kissed him, then helped him to the couch, "But it was pretty smart."


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