Darling, That's a nice... What is it, First?

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Twilight had just stepped through the portal and got reoriented when she noticed Rarity decorating the room some.

"Why are you decorating?"

"The snow just gave me-" she noticed Twilight's coat, "Darling, I've never seen anything like it!"

She was caught off-guard by the complement before she remembered Sunset's gift.

"Oh," she walked over and put the coat and hat in her chair, folding it in the process, "It's a gift Sunset gave me."

"It's rather beautiful and exotic."

"It's from somewhere called Russia."

"An exotic coat from an exotic place," Rarity said, "It's magnificent."

"You can wear it, but you might want to do it in the freezer."


"Remember the snowstorm that time we were in the Crystal Empire?"


"It's more for wearing in that kind of cold."

"What do they make it from?" Rarity said, looking at it.

"I'm... not really sure," Twilight said as Rarity returned the clothing to it's previous position.

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