Back in Canterlot

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The flight from London was just over seven hours, which was used by most of the family to catch up on lost sleep so they'd be ready to go when the flight touched down at the airport in Canterlot.

It was the last bit of turbulence that woke them up.

"Jesus Harold Christ!" Seth said, as he was jolted awake, "What the literal hell?"

We will be landing in the Canterlot City Air Terminal momentarily. The local time is 9:03 AM.

"Our cue to get our stuff together," Sofia said.

"Lord Jesus Christ, it worked."

A few minutes later, the plane landed and everyone got their bags, but the combination of one Yugo and twelve people, with luggage, was a rather difficult experience.

Their Wartburg 353T didn't help matters much when they brought it to the airport, still taking thirty minutes.

Sunset: Twilight, I'm back in town, but it'll be a bit before I can get to the school.
Twilight: Okay. I'll be waiting. Just write when you're ready.
Sunset: Alright. Will do.

When everyone was back at the house, Sofia immediately went and picked the lock, earning looks from everyone when she did it in a matter of seconds, "What? I am physicist and cold."

Going inside, Speedy and Zecora were streaming YouTube to the TV.

"Oh, you're back," Speedy said, blushing when he saw Autumn walk in and take off her coat.

"You didn't break any of Seth's babies, right?"

"What?" he mouthed, looking at me confused.

"The tech and coffee maker," Seth clarified as everyone walked in.

"I've never met a Tsakhlai before," Liz said, noticing Zecora, "I'm Liz. I come from London, and I've always wanted ter meet wahn of ya! This is so excitin'!!"

"The pleasure is mine to meet someone from a place so fine," she replied, "I am Zecora."

It didn't take long for them to strike up a conversation.

"You two can stay longer if you want," Autumn said, "Speedy, I... um..." she looked away, "Nevermind."

"You said you would show me your tech," Sofia said.

"Yeah, you and Sunset both come into my room. Again, I don't think that, by any means, what you're about to see is legal in any way."

"So?" Sofia and Sunset said.

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